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3 Mar -Build yourself up (Part 3)


What happens if we fail to put fuel in the car, or we forget to change the oil, or we neglect to replace the brakes?

What would happen to our house if we failed to do the dishes, or to take the rubbish out?

For those who are married or in a relationship, what would happen if we neglected to spend time together, and to value one another? If our car is going to operate properly; if our house and home are going to run smoothly; and if our relationships are going to be healthy, then we are going to have to invest in them. We are going to have to spend time and effort on them.

We all probably know that to cultivate and maintain strong and healthy homes, property and relationships, we have to invest and build into these things in our lives. However do we have that kind of mentality when it comes to our relationship with God, and our spiritual health?

To be spiritually strong, God exhorts us in His word to build ourselves up in our faith, through reading His word and by praying in the spirit; and by “keeping ourselves in the love of God.” (Jude 22) The bible says that we’re to keep ourselves in the love of God, by being diligent in making sure we are making room in our lives to be able to experience and enjoy God’s love. That we make our relationship with Him a priority!

As with any relationship we keep ourselves in a place of being able to enjoy and experience love by giving time, value and honour to that relationship. If we don’t give love priority it’s very easy for our time and attention to be taken over by other pursuits, things and/or people.

I love my husband and children and want them to experience the fullness and benefit of my love. I want to spend time doing things with them, and to build a life full of joy filled memories together. I want to shower them with blessings, gifts, and my time, and provide them with everything they need for a successful life.

But as with any relationship we can only ever experience  love properly if we choose every day to stay in love; to value love, and to honour and make an effort and investment in love. If we are never at home, or always busy, or taking our relationships for granted, or fighting and surrounded with strife then we aren’t’ making a choice to “stay in love”.

God is the same. He wants to shower us with His love, for us to know His many blessings, and to experience the joy of knowing Him more each day. But we all have to make a daily decision to make an investment in our relationship with Him. We have to choose to “stay or keep in love” with God,  so that others things don’t push Him into the background in our lives. By Him being central to every thought, action and word we speak.

Today, check how much time and investment you are putting into the relationships in your life. And above all else choose to keep and stay in love wtih God, by giving attention to how much time and value you place on spending time with Him, by reading His word and praying in the spirit.

But you, dear friends, carefully build yourselves up in this most holy faith by praying in the Holy Spirit, staying right at the centre of God’s love, keeping your arms open and outstretched, ready for the mercy of our Master, Jesus Christ. This is the unending life, the real life!” (Jude 20-22 The Message)

For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love. (Romans 5:5 NLT)

Jesus replied: ” ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself”. (Matthew 22:37-39)

Prayer: Lord help me to value and to choose to “stay in love” with you and with others. In Jesus Name Amen.

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