We can all have trust issues, which undoubtedly can become a limiting factor in our life. Trust requires risk, or it wouldn't be trust. And without trust, fear is the only possibility.
However, often the root cause of our mistrust is not about whether other people are trustworthy but rather that we don't trust ourselves.
People may have let us down, rejected or abandoned us, or we've experienced hurt, disappointments, and perhaps even abuse at the hands of others. Because of these things, we can process our experiences in a way that leads us to believe we are the cause of all the negativity and hurt in our life.
We surmise, often incorrectly, that there is something wrong with us; we must make bad decisions, be flawed in some way, or we have negative self-talk that causes us to doubt ourselves.
I've discovered that when it comes to these trust issues, one key to remedying all this negative self-talk and mistrust is to back ourselves that we can make good decisions in life and to trust who God has made us to be and to focus on becoming the best version of that person.
God says each of us is unique, special, and made for a purpose. He's planted greatness on the inside of us and the ability to grow and develop as a person. We previously may not have made the wisest choices and therefore reaped the consequences.
Or we could have been mistreated somehow through no fault of our own. However, the fact is we are still here! We still have a life to live, and God has a plan that far exceeds what we think right now! (Ephesians 3:20)
We can't alter the past, but we can move forward and learn from it. We can change the narrative and determine to be greater than the sum of all our fears, other people's opinions, and the negative voices in our heads. We can choose to be more compassionate to others who may be struggling and work on being self-aware and taking responsibility for our weaknesses that require strengthening so that we continue to grow.
I encourage you to start to believe and trust your abilities, what God says about you, what He can do in and through you, and who you are becoming today.
Choose growth rather than stagnation; forgiveness rather than bitterness, confidence rather than self-doubt and listening to God's thoughts and opinions about you, instead of the past or your negative self talk.
Back yourself today (God does), and you will undoubtedly start to increase your capacity.
Your world will get bigger; You will get bigger, and your ability to love and trust both yourself, God and others will go to a whole new level.
"Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take." (Proverbs 3:6 NLT)
"For the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being caught." (Proverbs 3:26 ESV)
"I can do all this through him who gives me strength." (Philippians 4:13 NIV)
"For the Spirit God does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline." (2 Timothy 1:7 NIV)
Prayer: Lord please help me to be honest about any trust issues I may have and to look at where I may feel like I can't trust myself or others because of past hurts or disappointments. I don't want these negatives to define who I am, my relationships or my future so I ask you to please cleanse my heart, restore my confidence in this area and show me the way forward. I believe good things about myself because that's what you believe about me. In Jesus' name Amen