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1 August -Supernatural Strength!

All of us from time to time face times of discouragement, when things go wrong even when we are trying to do right, and we are uncertain how things are going to turn out.

I love the accounts in the bible of David. He was a man who knew how to get back up after a crisis. But most of all he was a man who knew God.

In times of great distress in his life the bible says “David strengthened or encouraged himself in the LORD his God.” (1 Samuel 30:6)

But what does it really mean that David encouraged himself in the Lord?

One account of David strengthening himself in God is while he was going through a terrible time. While David and his fighting men had been away their homes had been attacked and their wives, their sons, and their daughters had been taken captive. All that remained of the city was heap of smoking ruins. Everything was gone.

What do you do when life falls apart? Many of us probably run around in circles screaming and throwing our hands up in despair. David and his men lifted up their voices and wept, until they had no more power to weep. Others complained and blamed David, wanting to kill him because they were so grieved.

But this is where David stepped into the realm of the supernatural. Usually you’d think a person would get into a pit of absolute despond, and stay there for a while. David faced a choice, he could either, just stand there and continue to look, and see nothing but disaster and problems, or he could look beyond and see God.

David chose to look to God and was able to strengthen himself in Him. How? Because David had a personal relationship with God; he knew God and his promises. Likewise just as David did, we can walk in the supernatural when the pressure is on, and remind ourselves of who we are in God, and who our God is.

God wants all of us to live daily in the realms of the supernatural, oherwise we will constantly be distracted and discouraged when pressure comes, and be tempted to manage in the world’s way, instead of in God.

When it says, David “strengthened himself” it means he was intentional. We can intentionally choose and learn to  live in the new creation reality of who we are in Jesus. Where everyday we abide in His love, and listen to the Holy Spirit’s guidance, looking to Him, instead of our circumstances.

Therefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.” (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Today make a decision to walk in the supernatural and make it a way of life. Choose to strengthen and encourage yourself in God. That means stepping out of the world’s way of living and living supernaturally everyday because we have a super God who is able to do the impossible both in and through us.

Prayer: Lord thank you for your promises. I choose to encourage myself in you today. That means stepping out of the world’s way of doing things, and living out who I am in you; and in the ways of heaven. Help me to make that a way of life everyday. In Jesus name Amen.

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