I was chatting to our youngest daughter this week about how you draw closer to Jesus and know Him more.
I explained that one of the best ways to get to know Jesus is by reading the bible. However, sometimes reading the words if you don't know the one who has spoken them very well can seem like you're merely reading some words on a page.
As I was sharing with our daughter, I grabbed her bible and opened it to a passage she knows well in Psalm 23 – The Lord is my Shepherd. Instead of simply reading the whole chapter, I read, "The Lord is my shepherd; I have all I need." Then I stopped and asked her to imagine and get a mental image of Jesus as a Shepherd who gently leads her like a shepherd leads the sheep and to close her eyes and see Jesus and what he may have to say to her.
I continued reading…." He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams."
Suddenly, instead of just words on a page, my daughter was connecting to Jesus and relating to him as her Shepherd who leads her to rest and peace. He didn't feel so far away anymore, and the words "The Lord is my Shepherd" had far more meaning than just a few short minutes ago.
Over the years, I've grown to understand more and more how our imaginations when directed towards Him are God given to help us draw near to God and heaven. If we focus on Him, they can become an on-ramp into heavenly things and draw us closer to Jesus. It's one of the ways we "see" and understand the supernatural and heavenly things and get to know how God works.
Today, I encourage you to open up your bible and to look for Jesus there. Psalms and the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) are great places to start. Picture yourself walking with Jesus and listening to His words.
What does He have to say to you today, what does he want to show you? There is so much He wants to reveal and show us if we will take the time to spend time with Him and seek His face.
'Call to Me and I will answer you, and tell you [and even show you] great and mighty things, (things which have been confined and hidden), which you do not know.” (Jeremiah 33:3 NASB)
Jesus is the good Shepherd and promises to lead and guide you as you seek after Him. Take some time today to seek His face and discover what He wants to share with you today. (see - John 10:7-12 NIV; Jeremiah 29:13)
Prayer: Lord thank you that you are my Shepherd and that you promise to lead and guide me. Please open up heavenly things to me today as I set my heart and mind on you. In Jesus name Amen.