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13 March - Slow Down And Pray

Most of us know that when we are faced with an situation that we can get ourselves in a flap and end up saying and doing things we later regret. Life can throw some curve balls and I've discovered if we determine we are going to choose the way of peace that things will become clear and we will know what to do.

Here are some keys I've learnt to enable me to be able to step back, take a long-term view of circumstances and put my trust and hope in Jesus:

1. Pause and just breathe – my mum always says she’s sure there are little demons called hurry, scurry and flurry who try to interfere in our connection to Jesus and others and limit our ability to hear clearly what he is saying to us. As you slow down many of the things you are stressing about you will be able to see far more clearly what to do and be able to hear Jesus.

2. Take time to pray; don’t just talk AT Jesus. Listen for his voice and seek Him

3. Get a word - God's word is living and active, and he watches over it to perform it. When we take time to seek Him He will give us a promise we can stand on and speak into our situation. Angels go to work on our behalf when we do that, and it's the pathway to miracles and His power being released into our circumstances.

He knows the end from the beginning and everything in between and promises when we seek him and pray that He will answer. Because of that, we can live at peace and not run around stressing about every issue and circumstance that arises. Jesus said we would have trouble, but he also promised He has overcome it for us.

Today I encourage you to press pause, seek Jesus and His promises, and pray. Don’t lean on your own understanding of how to deal with things in life. Instead, seek wisdom and comfort from Jesus and His Word and listen to those who give wise counsel and know Jesus.

Then every day, put your life into God’s hands and give him the care of everything. He will work good out of all things and promises that as you keep your mind fixed on him, you will know His peace. (Romans 8:28)

"You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you."(Isaiah 26:3)

Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers, they succeed. (Proverbs 15:22)

Cast all your cares upon Jesus because he cares for you”” (1 Peter 5:7)

Prayer: Lord, I give you everything and everyone in my life today and trust you to speak to me and continue to lead and guide me in the way to go. In Jesus name Amen

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