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14 March -Time Out!

Have you ever felt like you haven’t stopped all day? Or that your mind has been racing from one thing to the next 24/7, but you don’t feel like you achieved half of what you set out to do?

Life can feel like you are riding a merry go round with plenty of action, but no real movement to achieving any set goals or reaching a destination.

I’ve learnt the hard way, that if I’m feeling like that I need to take a break, recharge and relax spiritually, mentally and physically, and clear as much of my schedule as possible. Sometimes we simply need to stop, be still, and breathe.

Here are some reasons and positives of regularly taking time out:

We need to constantly reevaluate our priorities It’s too easy to slip into the worlds system and attitudes of striving, stressing, worrying and discontentment. Seemingly unawares we can fall in step with what everyone else is doing, even if they are not the values, beliefs or life you want to live. When we stop it allows us to reevaluate, and check we are on the “right track”.

Be still and wait on God. It’s in being still and waiting quietly that we off load, and are spiritually refreshed and strengthened.

Be still, and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10)

He gives strength to the weary, And to him who lacks might He increases power”. (Is 40:29:11)

Don’t let the urgent overtake the important. When we pause, evaluate and don’t go rushing into situations, but instead focus on what is important, the so called “urgent” problems often will take care of themselves.

Preparation for tomorrow. Taking time to reflect on yesterday, and evaluating honestly our successes and failures helps us prepare for tomorrow.  No experience is ever wasted if we learn from it and adjust positively from any mistakes.  God works all things out for good…

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose”.(Romans 8:28)

Taking time out increases our capacity for thankfulness, and the ability to count our blessings. When we are constantly rushing around we can miss the miracles and good things that happen all around us every day. It’s good to stop and give thanks.

Give out of the overflow. Taking time out helps prepare us for the pressures and battles of life. If we are running on empty, not giving time for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual rest we will be drawing on depleted strength, instead of an overflow. When we take time out to be  refreshed we are able to live and give out of the overflow.

Relaxation and rest are vital to us feeling right. Our emotional, physical,  mental and spiritual health will greatly determine how we react to situations. The healthier we feel the better we are equipped to manage difficulties and decisions.

Schedule in weekly time outs. It can be as simple as turning the phone and electronics off, getting the kids looked after for a few hours, or just sleeping in. Find what prospers your soul and take some time out.

“Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers” (3 John 1:2)

Prayer: Lord help me to take time out to re-energize. I don’t want to be constantly moving but never getting anywhere. Reveal to me if I need to make any changes in my life as I stop and wait on you. In Jesus name. Amen.

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