I was talking with a friend recently and reminded them of the importance of getting back to the basics of what we believe. This is especially important when we feel we are floundering, facing a transition in life, or have taken what I term a “faith hit”.
Most of us love to complicate our lives. Our modern world and the technology at our disposal has given us more time than ever before. Yet we are busier than ever, and most people struggle under the weight of their schedules and stress levels. We try to cram as much into our week as possible, rushing from one activity to the next, with the constant temptation to add, add add to our already packed lives.
Now I am all for making the most of my day, and grabbing hold of opportunities that present themselves. To be honest many of us waste our days, or should I say years, on unimportant time wasting activities, and achieve far less than God purposes for us.
But in amongst all the business of life there is an essential ingredient to staying balanced, and healthy regardless of what is happening. Its the art of “keeping the basics” as the foundation of what we believe, value and build our life on. When our lives get too busy and complex, and/or we haven’t been focused on the core essentials of who we are, and what we believe we can easily stray from our foundational truths, practices and beliefs. Then when we face a challenge or experience a “faith hit” we find ourselves on shaky ground. We feel like we are on “quicksand” sinking fast, and frantically needing to reach out for something or someone to grab hold of.
Today if you feel like you are on sinking sank, and are desperately trying to get yourself onto solid ground know that help is available.
Stop what you are doing, reach out and grab a hold of the hand of Jesus. Life is not meant to be complicated and full of toil and burdens. Jesus said “my yoke is easy and my burden is light”. (Matthew 11:30). That means when you are attached or yoked to Him its easy – just move in time with Him, go where He goes, do what He does. His way is “light and easy”. Let him teach and/or remind you of the basics of spending time with Him, reading His words in the bible, talking to and listening to His voice and then doing what, and only what He says. Surround yourself, and listen to people who encourage you, who know God and His word, and whom God will use to help you.
Make the decision to “Get back to basics” today and plant your feet and future on solid ground.
“He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand”. (Psalm 40:2)
Prayer: Jesus please grab hold of me today and place my life on solid ground. Help me to get back to basics, and to build my life and future on a strong foundation that will see me through every phase of my life. In Jesus name. Amen “May the God of hope fill you with joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit”. (Romans 15:13)