I was reminded today about the man who Jesus healed from blindness and how Jesus had laid his hands on the man's eyes twice. The first touch the man was able to see partially. "And he looked up and said, "I see people, but [they look] like trees, walking around." (Mark 8:24 AMP)
So Jesus prayed for him again…. "Once more, Jesus put his hands on the man's eyes. Then his eyes were opened, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly." v25 . Jesus needed to touch the man's eyes twice!
The account of the blind man's healing is a reminder for us to persist in believing, praying and consistently moving towards what we desire. The man could have replied to Jesus that he was fine; he could see more than before and be happy with that. But he didn't – he was honest about the effect Jesus had had on his life and said, "I can see, but it's blurry."
Likewise, often when Jesus does something in our life it might not stick or we lose that peace or revelation we initially experienced from His "first touch". We end up stumbling into old habits or as we take a step or set a new goal and we realise we need to come back to God for more to be able to keep moving ahead. Because if we're honest, the first touch didn't stick or wasn't enough.
The reason for that is that it's sometimes in the "second touch" that we receive the necessary "more", and it's in asking and believing over and over that enables us to take hold of our breakthrough's and see our dreams come to pass.
When I was a teenager, I had a chronic knee disease that saw me have several operations therapy and live with constant pain for eight years. I had received prayer, and even though I'd felt Jesus' presence and touch on my life I was still was experiencing debilitating pain. Until one day, I received that "second touch" and just like the blind man I was radically healed - from being unable to climb stairs to running up and down them.
Many people experience Jesus, but it doesn't change things the first time. And that's okay. They need a "second touch like Jesus touched the man's eyes a second time.
Today I encourage you to be honest with Jesus. If the blind man hadn't been real, he wouldn't have been fully healed. I received prayer and prayed more than once, and that's alright because some miracles happen instantly, and some happen in stages and through persistent prayer.
Don't give up, but determine that you will go back for the second, third, and fourth touch from Jesus – whatever it takes to receive your healing, breakthrough, revelation and understanding about something or to see God's promises come to pass in your life.
"So I say to you, Ask and keep on asking, and it shall be given you; seek and keep on seeking, and you shall find; knock and keep on knocking and the door shall be opened to you." (Luke 11:9 AMPC)
Prayer: Lord, thank you that you are faithful and that it's okay with you for me to be completely honest with you. Please help me persist and keep coming to you for all I need and desire to see happen because you have the answers. In Jesus name Amen