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18 March – “I’ll walk with you in the sunshine and the rain”


When I first started dating my husband Philip we would walk everywhere together. We would walk to lunch together, to church together, to our friend’s houses, and even the hour it took to walk to work together. We learnt a lot about each other by simply walking and talking, and listening to one another. We watched, listened and adapted to one another as we set our course for life together.

Now because we have been walking together for so long Philip instinctively knows which side of the path I like to walk on, what I do and don’t like, the streets I prefer, and where I like to go. He knows I like to walk and talk, and that most of the time it’s just okay for him to listen. He adjusts his steps, and I try to speed up mine.

When we choose to walk with someone we obviously won’t want to walk in the opposite direction, but in the same direction. Then we can talk, listen, and enjoy their company. Without walking right alongside one another we will not be able to understand each other as well, watch and hear changes in expressions and emotions, or decide and agree on a destination.

Walking with Jesus is much the same. When we ask Him to be a part of our life we enter into a relationship, embark on a journey together and adopt a new life style along the way. It’s a long walk, and not a short sprint, and it’s not all about the destination, but also the things we discover and experience along the way.

As with any journey and relationship there are some things we need to leave behind. We don’t want to bring our negative past, our mess up’s, fears, sin and excess baggage on our journey. These things will only distract and weigh us down, and it’s the same in our walk with Jesus. He offers to take all our burdens, sin and past, so that He can free and cleanse us totally, enabling us to not just walk, but to power walk and even run! (1 John 1:9)

It’s good to also keep in mind that just as when we’re travelling greater distances and further afield we only have a certain amount of baggage weight and space available to us, and care must be taken to choose what we are going to pick up, and carry along the way; the same can be said for our walk with Jesus. Some things look great at first glance, but the question is “are they actually beneficial to where we are going, and do we want to have the extra burden?” Other things might look, smell, and even taste enticing, but will often just give us “food poisoning” if we choose to partake of them. Much the same as the deceptiveness of sin and the things the devil tries to tempt us with in an effort to trip us up, and get us going in the wrong direction.

However we only need turn our attention back to Jesus, and let go of the baggage that we have let ourselves be burdened with, to then enable us to freely continue on in our walk with Him.

Our relationship with Jesus is a daily walk. We decide each morning to walk in the same direction as Him, taking the time to talk and to listen, and choosing to walk so that our focus and attention will be on Him. It’s much the same as when I walk with my husband Philip. It’s not hard, and it’s not burdensome either, but about our love, and commitment to one another. Our walk with Jesus is designed to be a long enjoyable walk, where He has promised to always walk alongside us, in both the sunshine and the rain.

“Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith just as you were taught.” (Colossians 2:6-7)

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord you God is with you wherever you go.”(Joshua 1:9)

Prayer: Jesus help me to walk with you everyday. I don’t want to rush ahead, or walk in the opposite direction, but step by step in time with you. Help me to do that in both the sunshine and the rain. In Jesus Name Amen.

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