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2 Dec – Saying Yes!

saying yes to jesus

I remember a few years ago I met someone who I’d known years ago and hadn’t seen for a while. They had been experiencing some really amazing things in their life when I had last seen them, but on seeing them again several years later I was surprised to find that they had lost their zeal and excitement for life, and seemed to merely be existing. I asked God why that sometimes happens and I felt the Lord answer with the words, “people stop saying Yes to me.

God is always going to have something for us to move forward to. With Him leading we go from “faith to faith”, ever increasing in our capacity and abilities. However that only happens if we keep saying Yes, and are both willing and obedient to follow His lead.

Being willing is the first step in following, and it’s far easier to keep that attitude of willingness when we understand that Jesus only wants good things for us. That He loves us far beyond what we could ever possibly fathom, and He primarily just wants us to love and trust Him.

We come to understand this when, just like any other relationship we:

1. Spend time with Him – it’s about a relationship not a religion, and just like any other relationship we have to honour and value it for it to grow and develop. 

2. Read His words: The bible describes His character, His plan, His directives, and how He thinks and does things. When we read the bible we get to know Him.

“All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.” (2 Timothy 3:16)

Without spending time getting to know Him and reading His words we can too easily start to lean on our own understanding and begin to doubt that God has the best for us. We can start to look around and wonder if other people and pursuits will bring more enjoyment than doing things His way. Sadly it can take some of us going “around the mountain” countless times before we realise, “Why don’t I just say Yes to Jesus, and do life His way and let Him lead. Sometimes we really do need to face ourselves and ask the question,” I’ve been doing things my way, but how is that really working out for me compared to what Jesus has on offer?” 

Today if you are looking for peace and the full and abundant life Jesus offers then simply start saying Yes!

Say Yes to Him, and then get out of the way; let go of your pride, hurts and baggage and get willing to do whatever He leads you to. If you do that, you’ll soon be amazed at the joy and blessing it will bring into your life and to all those you meet along the way. 

Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6))

Prayer: Jesus, help me to get out of the way, and to say Yes to you. You lead and I will follow. In Jesus Name. Amen.

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