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20 July - Answering The Big Questions Of Life

What is the purpose of life? Where did I come from? Is there life after death? Why do I struggle to be and do good? What is success, and how do I achieve it? How can I change? How do I get to heaven? Why is the world full of evil? What matters in life? How do I live without regrets? How can I handle circumstances and difficult events in life? How can I be free from anxiety and fear?

These questions are ones most of us have or will ask in our lifetime.

The good news is there are answers to these big questions, which can be found in one particular book which is still listed as the world’s best-selling and most widely distributed book in history. It currently has been translated into 2,123 languages, with the Guinness Book of Records stating that this book the Bible, has worldwide sales exceeding 1815 billion copies, with an excess of 100 million Bibles printed each year.

Considering the number of self-help books, courses, classes, counselors, and wellness centers being promoted to help us all live fulfilled, successful, and purposeful lives, wouldn’t it make sense that you might pick up this world-renowned best-seller, the Bible, which addresses many of the big questions of life and give it a read.

Plus in addition to addressing many of our big questions, when reading the Bible, we get to discover and learn from Jesus, who is historically known as the greatest leader and teacher the world has ever known.

Reading and thinking about what the Bible says can be compared to mining for gold.

If we make little effort and merely “sift through the pebbles in a stream, we will only find a little gold dust. But the more we try to really dig into it, the more reward we will gain for our effort.”

Today why not start reading the Bible, known as the Book of Books, and check it out with fresh eyes? Don’t be surprised to hear God speaking to you; find answers to your questions and guidance for the future.

But be warned; this book is a book that contains such truth that, when applied to your life, will radically change you in a good way forever!

“Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you,’ declares the LORD” (Jeremiah 29:12-13)

Note: If you have never read the Bible before or would like to make it more readily available daily, try this bible app. Choose a version that’s easy to read, such as the NIV, NLT, or The Passion translation (TLT) to begin with and start reading today.

A great place to start learning all about Jesus and what He taught and did for us is the book of John, one of my favourites in the New Testament. Check it out today:

Prayer: Lord, thank you for the Bible, which helps me know you and hear your voice speaking to me more clearly. Would you please guide, teach and help me understand your words as I take the time to read them daily. In Jesus Name. Amen.

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