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21 February - Deal With The Little Things

I recently went to the skin clinic to have a little spot checked out to ensure it wasn’t anything nasty.

While there, the doctor decided to do a full body check to ensure no other suspicious-looking things were hiding unnoticed. Deep down, I knew that everything was alright, but it was the niggly little thought of “what if” that was annoying me and caused me to go for the skin check.

Now, a week later, I realise how much inner pressure on my mind and emotions that little spot had been causing. It was undercurrent, but the concern over whether everything was ok was stealing my peace and creating a significant amount of concern.

The thing is, I noticed that little spot some time ago, and every now and then, I would think, “I should deal with that and get it looked at”……and then three months; then six months and then a few years went by. Fortunately for me that little spot was nothing to be concerned about, but that’s not the point.

The point is, how often do we leave things unattended in our lives, relationships, health, finances, and commitment to God and ensure our hearts are not cluttered with unhealthy baggage.

We can often allow days and months to pass by, and then before we know it, five years has gone by, and we haven’t examined or dealt with “that little spot”, which could be evidence of a much bigger issue underneath.

Today I encourage you to stop and examine your heart, thought life and relationships and ask Jesus to show you if there are any “spots” needing your attention. If there is, take the time to seek Jesus to help you to deal with the situation an then allow Him to go to work where necessary to bring change, relief and healing.

He wants us to live free from burdens and concern and promises that when we cast all our cares upon Him, He will give us perfect peace. Where we need wisdom to know what to do or how to navigate a situation, he promises to give it to us.

He also cautions us to watch out for and protect our lives from the little foxes – those little things that try to erode our peace, relationships, and health physically, emotionally, and spiritually so that we can live life to the fullest. He knows things may look little, but it doesn’t mean that they can’t cause an issue if left unattended.

Check up on the little spots in your life today, and let peace return to your heart an mind.

Catch all the foxes, those little foxes, before they ruin the vineyard of love, for the grapevines are blossoming!” (Song of Solomon 2:15)

“Cast all your cares upon Him because He cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7)

Prayer: Lord, please help me to attend to things in my world, both both internally, externally and in my relationships, so that I can have peace in my heart and mind and live my best life. In Jesus name A

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