I was reminded today as I had my horse-riding lesson how important the preparation process is to leading a fruitful joy filled life.
A few years ago I felt prompted during my times with God to start running. He’d been speaking to me about being more consistent and my exercise schedule sadly illustrated this fact. At first it was really difficult, and to be honest it was not fun, but as I determined to be consistent in my running I actually started to feel fitter, healthier and stronger than I had for many years.
A year later I had another prompting to learn to horse ride, as our youngest son Isaac loves horses. Interestingly in my riding lessons I’ve discovered just how important my running and exercise routine is, and how much my body has benefited, because I’m stronger and physically more resilient than I would have previously been. My obedience to God’s promptings has really helped in the process of me discovering this new joyful space in my life, and not only benefited my life but also Isaac’s.
Success in life is largely found in the preparation. Without the process of running and becoming physically stronger, I would have found what God asked me to do in learning to ride much more difficult. I needed to be prepared so that I could be more fruitful.
However often in life we want to see the “fruit” before we have cooperated with the process and preparation of what it takes for “fruit” to grow in our lives.
But, being fruitful is a process, and if we want our “fruit” to grow and last it’s always best to work with a master gardener to get the best results. The bible says that God the Father is the gardener and we are the branches. (John 15). God has amazing plans and dreams for us to fulfil and be fruitful in, and He actually says He will do superabundantly more than we can ask, think, dream or dare to imagine (Ephesians 3:20).
But as we grow and desire to lead a fruitful life we have to be prepared to:
1.Get out of our comfortable space and do whatever God leads us to do. Sometimes we won’t understand fully why He is asking us to do some things, but if we follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit and His word we will be positioned exactly where we need to be.
“The LORD says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.” (Psalm 32:8)
2.Be consistent and stick to things. In other words be disciplined. It’s in the little everyday things that we learn consistency. Spending quality time with God, exercising, eating well, being quick to forgive, being kind, learning to follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit, and doing, and not just hearing what God says in His word.
“And let endurance have its perfect result and do a thorough work, so that you may be perfect and completely developed [in your faith], lacking in nothing.” (James 1:4)
Today, be encouraged that God sees you, and knows even the secret desires and dreams in your heart. If we put our trust and confidence in Him, and the promises in His word He will lead us to live a fruitful life. Practice listening to Him; being prepared to move out of your comfort zone; being consistent in the things you know to do, as God prepares and positions you to produce much fruit.
Prayer: Lord thankyou that you desire me to bear fruit and that you know exactly how to make that happen in my life. I trust you today to lead me, and I ask you to help me be responsive to your promptings, to hear and follow your word, and to be more consistent. In Jesus name Amen