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22 Feb -Never the same again!


I was born in the early 1970’s, where I remember my mum wearing hippie looking clothes, love beads, and growing up listening to stories about the Jesus movement, and the power of God moving. We went to spiritual retreats, and experienced the move of the Holy Spirit awakening the church. Then came the 1980’s and the charismatic movement, where we would go to a church we affectionately called the “wild life centre”. As a child I watched in awe as people exuberantly danced, whilst being surrounded by music, laughter and prophetic words freely being given in the meetings. The people were different and colourful, but they looked happy. The late 1980’s and early 1990’s introduced me to John Wimber, and the vineyard movement and I was fortunate enough to attend several conferences where he and others like him spoke and ministered. There were healings, miracles, and a sound and freedom in the music that blessed my heart and soul. We were taught how to wait on God, to pray for one another and to expect God to show up.

In the late 1990’s a wave of power hit many Jesus followers; often recognisable by loud outbursts of laughter, miracles and joy. It was great, and I discovered, and grew so much in my friendship with Jesus.

Then it all seemed to go quiet, like God’s waiting for something… is it that He is waiting for us to get hungry again, to become dissatisfied with our quick God fix and easy to eat, fast food type of Christianity? God’s presence is still felt, He still reaches out to people, and heals and sets free all those who seek Him out. But it’s not like the outpourings of times gone by. My younger children haven’t seen the power of God on a large scale, but only little pockets of joy, healing and breakthrough. But little pockets of God moments aren’t enough! They aren’t enough for me, and they aren’t’ enough for this generation.

I believe we owe this generation an encounter. A lasting encounter and understanding of how big God is, how good He is, and that He wants for us to know Him, and Him us. When we give Him time, when we stop our rushing around and frenetic activity and seek Him, and I mean really seek Him, God always shows up.

“Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:13)

Imagine if we all pressed the pause button on a regular basis, if we all cried out, “God would you visit me, and reveal yourself and your ways.” Imagine if we all had a discontentment arise in our hearts and the quick fix, done that God moments weren’t enough any more, and we really sought His face. Imagine if we were all brave enough to let go of the systems of the world, and the pursuit of power and prestige, and got to the point where we didn’t care if everyone thought we had “lost it”, as long as we had Jesus showing up in our lives; in our lounge rooms, workplaces, and wherever we gathered together?

We owe this generation a life-changing encounter, where we are permanently changed, and never see God, heaven, and the universe in the same way ever again.

But perhaps it will only come when we become dissatisfied with the status quo, and seek to go deeper, not just for ourselves but for this generation. Where we let go of our stuff, of all the distractions, and the mind-set of a quick fix of God is enough, and instead cry out, and keep crying out, “God please move! Pour out your power again, reveal yourself afresh; that people will be drawn to you in vast numbers, in the hundreds and thousands of thousands. You’ve done it before God, would you please do it again.”

I encourage you to make that your hearts cry today; that both you and this generation will encounter God like they never have before, and that we would never be the same again.

“Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it” (John 14:13-14)

“Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14 NLT)

“Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you” (Psalm 85:6)

Have a listen to this song “I will never be the same” to encourage and inspire you today.

Prayer: Lord I’m asking that you make me dissatisfied with the status quo, with the quick fix God moments and the shallow. I want to know you God, and the depths of who you are. I want to experience heaven and all the wonders of your person more fully. Please would you move with your power, and reveal more of yourself in this time and hour. In Jesus Name Amen.

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