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22 Mar – “The Rosetta stone”


Today our two younger children were learning about hieroglyphics and the significance of the Rosetta stone.

In 1799 while French soldiers were building a French fort in Egypt they discovered a stone in the village of Rosetta (Rashid). This stone was written in three scripts; Hieroglyphics the Egyptian script used for important documents, demotic the common script of Egypt, and Greek which was the language of the rulers of Egypt at that time. The discovering of the Rosetta stone was particularly significant because it held the keys to unlock the mysteries of the ancient world, and in particular the translation of Egyptian hieroglyphics.

A few years ago while we were visiting London as a family we visited the British museum where the Rosetta stone is on display. There was so much to see that we only glanced at the stone as we passed by, a little overwhelmed by how much there was to see in one building. Today however my younger children commented that they wished they’d known how significant the Rosetta stone was while they were there, because they would have paid more attention to it.

It made me think about how there are particular “Rosetta stones” in our lives which hold the “keys” to unlocking problems, challenges, mysteries and discoveries. So often we can just walk past these “Rosetta stones paying little attention, while all along they hold the keys to mysteries and solutions which we would really benefit from knowing and understanding. Sadly it is often because we are in a hurry, distracted, burdened with life, pursuing other things, or simply unaware of what is right in front of us. It’s much like how we paid very little attention to the ancient Rosetta stone who’s discovery helped unlock many of the secrets of the ancient world to those who knew what they had in their hands.

I’m discovering that God also has His “Rosetta stone” which holds the keys to understanding the story of the world, God, the universe and mankind’s future. It holds the keys to life and death, the power and workings of God, and the mysteries and technology of heavenly places, the universe, of angels, demons, and the deep things of God.

“God’s Rosetta stone” is the Bible and it’s translated to us when we take time to read it, and to rest in God’s presence. In it, and with Him translating for us we can find “keys” and  “spiritual technology.” Some of the keys He reveals to us when we seek Him include the power of worship, prayer, walking in heavenly places, moving in authority, who we truly are in Jesus, our purpose, and unlocking the understanding of how to operate as Jesus does on the earth and in heaven.

I believe we all need “God’s Rosetta stone”, and the relationship with God that helps us translate it.  With Him, and when we take the opportunity to actually consider and marvel at all that is before us God will reveal and unlock both the past, present and future, and how it all works to us.

The choice  however is ours whether we keep walking right on by, not even stopping to consider or examine what God has and is revealing in this time and hour. We can sadly easily allow ourselves to be distracted by all the other things we can look at, and never really search the depths of His presence and “God’s Rosetta stone” . We can miss the secrets and keys He’s just waiting to reveal to all who really want it. But I’d hate for that to be the case, so today I encourage you to seek God, read His words contained in the Bible, and ask  and seek to see and hear the deeper things, because they are there waiting to be discovered.

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.” (Matthew 7:7-8)

“Eye has not seen, nor has ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him. But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God”.  (1 Corinthians 2:9-10)

“You will seek Me when you search for Me with all your heart.”  (Jeremiah 29:13)

Prayer: Lord help me not to be distracted or drawn away from the what you are wanting to reveal to me. Today I want to know you, and to discover more of how you, heaven and the universe works and my place in it. In Jesus Name Amen.

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