Today we went exploring the mountains near our home. It's apple picking season, so there was a plentiful supply of apples everywhere we visited, and with apples, an array of pies; apple, blueberry and apple, apricot and apple and rhubarb and apple. Pies everywhere.
Our sons were chanting apple pie by the end of the day, hoping we'd purchase one of the delicious, family-size wonders.
It got me thinking about why people love pie, and that perhaps there's a deeper meaning to why so many love it.
After some research, I discovered first the Egyptians, then the Romans and Greeks started putting pastries and fillings together. It seems a pie is one meal that brings us together, and they've been bringing people together since ancient times.
Pies have remained a popular part of people's menus throughout the years. In fact when many think of pie, it is often connected to holidays, warm cosy meals, family, friends and bringing people together.
Today I watched as different types of people from all walks of life and from multiple nations gathered in cafes and bakeries, sat around tables, on lawns, and stood alongside one another. These pies continue to bring people together from around the globe.
It made me think that if a pie can bring so many different people together to sit and appreciate its flavours no matter where they come from, perhaps the world needs more pies. More things that we can appreciate and take the opportunity to come together more often around than things that remind us of how we aren't really all that different.
In doing so, we would then focus more on what unites us rather than what divides us, where we have similarities rather than how we are different, on what draws us together rather than apart, so we can be thankful, enjoy the people we get to share our life with and the community we live in better.
"Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you." (1 Cor 13:11)
Prayer: Lord, thank you for things like pies that remind me that the people around me and I share the world with are different. Please help me to focus on those things that unite rather than divide me from the people around me so that I can be a person who helps people come together in unity and connection. In Jesus' name Amen