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26 December - Catching Chickens

Today we visited some friends who had chickens, and our youngest son Isaac was trying to catch and pick up one of the hens. However, he did not have much luck because every time a chicken ran past him, he would timidly try to grab one to no avail. It wasn't until he decided he would commit fully to catching one and be a little more proactive and firm in his efforts that he could catch a chicken.

As a kid, I remember being a little like Isaac catching chickens today and lacking confidence and forthrightness. It wasn't until I realised that God had good things for me to walk in that he has equipped and enabled me to be and do, and I chose to say yes to situations even if they did stretch me, that I started to gain confidence and have success to achieve my goals.

I learnt that God hasn't given us a spirit of timidity or fear but of power, love and a sound mind. We don't have to be aggressive or get into striving, but it makes a huge difference when we remember who is with us and at work to bring out the best of us. (2 Timothy 1:7; Ephesians 3:20 )

Some people talk about faking it until you make it and giving the appearance of being something we aren't to gain opportunities and experience until we reach the point where we have achieved success. But even better than faking it until you make it is the truth that once you discover who you are and what you carry, you don't need to fake anything; but rather, walk in who and what God has created you to be and what He says.

God loves for us to run as David did into battle, not with uncertainty but confidence that he will lead, equip and guide us. David's confidence wasn't in himself alone but in God and what He could do through Him when He put his life, abilities and plans in His hands and believed what God said about him. (1 Samuel 17)

Today I encourage you to put your confidence in God and his ability and strength working in you. Align your thoughts and words with what he says, rather than the I can’t’s, and it's not possible that we can often allow filling our thoughts and mouths.

God does impossible things and promises He will do more as you put your life in his hands. Trust him to take what you have and do something amazing with it as he puts his super on your natural today.

Prayer: Lord, please help me to see what is possible with you and that I will change my thinking and words to align with your word and purposes for my life. Please help me walk confidently and boldly today because you are with me, so I don't need to fear. In Jesus name Amen.

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