Today as we walked to the subway on a sightseeing exhibition around down town Toronto Canada we spotted a church name we recognised. Primarily because when my husband and I were in our early twenties God released from heaven His presence and power out of this small church near the Toronto airport, that then spread around the world. 50,000 visitors flooded into Toronto to wait at the doors night after night, hungry for God to touch their lives; to catch the fire that He was releasing, and to then take it back to release at home.
My husband and I were blessed to experience this wave of God’s goodness and it changed our lives, our relationship with God and the way we minister to others.
I learnt to soak. In soaking I mean to take the time to, sit, lie, stand or whatever in God’s presence and let God be God. Essentially to let go, and let God have His way, so that whatever needed to be dealt with, released, restored and renewed God could do in me. I learnt that soaking is a far quicker and easier way for God to work these things out in us. Just as a pot or frypan often gets food stuck to it that no amount of scrubbing will move without damaging the pan, so too we can have “stuff” stuck to and in our lives that God knows will be better removed by us choosing to soak in His loving power and presence, rather than having a whole lot of scratching, poking and prodding to try and deal with an issue. Soaking instead allows us to quietly sit, just like a dish in warm soapy water, so that eventually anything that doesn’t belong in our lives just lifts off and floats away.
Today as we stopped we remembered what we’d experienced and learnt through the outpouring that began in Toronto, and we honoured God and those who He used to pour out out His blessing, and I chose soak a little, enjoying God’s goodness wash over me, just as I’d learnt way back then.
Today, whatever sort of day or week you’ve been having, take some time to soak. To simply sit and ask Holy spirit to come and wash over and through your life, gently soaking away any sin, residue, tiredness, or pain. Soak and choose to let go, and let God be God.
“Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10)
“Meditate on your bed, and be still”. (Psalm 4:4)
Jesus taught his disciples, “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5) Prayer: Lord thank you for your hand of blessing on my life. Today I ask Holy spirit for you to come and wash over and through me. I’m just going to stay in your presence and let you to do whatever you need or want to do in me today. In Jesus name Amen