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28th Dec - A Brand New Year - Where Are You Heading

A brand-new year is ahead of you, but before you step into it, I encourage you to think about what do you want more of and what do you want less of going forward? How do you want your future to look?


Part of a new year assessment is to also let go of any baggage you may have been carrying in your heart and mind. Much like a vivid dream I once had where I was at an airport, weighing my bags in at the check-in.

As I looked at the scales, I realised I had too much weight in my luggage and there was no conceivable way I could check my bag and therefore catch my flight.


I concluded that God wanted to draw my attention through my dream to the fact that He wants us to be able to experience life to the fullest and soar through life, but if when we carry too much baggage from our past or focus on all our worries, concerns and overcrowded schedules too much, we will not be able to take "flight" and achieve our goals or live the life God has for us. (John 10:10 Amp)


That is because the problem with excess baggage is we literally can't catch our "flight" and instead find ourselves weighed down by all the cares, responsibilities, and circumstances. It's usually why so many people feel mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted.

We can also get used to bearing the load of weight, much like when we gain extra kilos and gradually adjust to carrying it around. But it takes its toll, and we can tire more easily and lose enthusiasm for our goals and life in general. Long term, this extra weight causes damage to bodies. But if we lose it we discover an excess of energy and zest for life. Why? Because we're no longer carrying that extra 10 -20kg around.


A key to shedding excess baggage is found in Hebrews 12:1 in the Bible, it says” Let us strip off and throw aside every encumbrance (unnecessary weight) and that sin which so readily (deftly and cleverly) clings and entangles us and let us run…. Looking away from all that will distract us to Jesus, who is the Leader and the Source of our faith”. 


What hopes, dreams and goals are you carrying forward, and what things are you still dragging along with you that are no longer beneficial.

Morning Thoughts

Doing morning thoughts (pages) is a great way to bring clarity to what is in your heart and thought life too. It's where you write down for a few days everything that you are thinking first thing in the morning. This helps articulate your thoughts and clarifies where God has and is speaking to you.  (See Morning Pages blog


Jesus calls himself the good shepherd and encourages us to follow the guidance He gives to navigate life. He said, "I am the way and the truth and the life" and that His word is "a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." (John 14:16; Psalm 119:105).

What God has started in you He is faithful to complete. As the New Year begins I encourage you to ask God for His wisdom; spend time in prayer and His word and seek His strategy and process for what lies ahead.

Trust Him, listen, as He directs you what to do and not do and He will make a way where it seemed there was no way.  (Romans 8:31-32; Proverbs 3:5-6)

May this New Year be one filled with bliss, wonder, and fulfillment as God’s mighty power works in and though your life to bring your dreams and God’s amazing plan to pass.

For more encouragement, you can also listen to my podcast "Going Deeper". Check out this week's episode Choosing The Right Path For The New Year live now

Happy New Year :)

“Now to Him who is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to His power that is at work within us”. (Ephesians 3:20 Amplified Bible)

Prayer: Lord thank you that you have a plan for my life and that you lead and guide. Please help me to drop off any baggage that I am carrying that is no longer beneficial to me so that I will have the clarity to keep running my race with wisdom, power, and grace into this New Year. In Jesus' name Amen.


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