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29 July – “It could save your life one day”

As parents of six children, one of the things we have endeavored to teach our children is the importance of obedience. It can be an exhausting undertaking to teach obedience, as choosing to obey or not obey is the choice we all face throughout life.

As parents we can get tired out, and be tempted to engage in negotiations, going into lengthy explanations to justify our requests to our children, so that they can see the reasonableness of doing what they are asked.

I often say to our children, “You need to learn to obey quickly because then you will learn to obey God quickly. It could save your life one day”.

Have you ever been in a situation where a child or someone else’s life depended on their immediate cooperation, no questions asked? No time for the negotiations or discussions. “Make one false move and you’re dead. It is very important that you do exactly what I say – right now”. There is a car suddenly approaching, or dangerous wildlife in close proximity, or some other intense harmful situation.

That’s when it is so important that we have cultivated an attitude within ourselves, and taught our children or those we are responsible for, to listen and positively respond quickly. There are times when there is simply no time for the usual delay tactics, questioning and explanations. We just need to be willing and obedient.

Have you ever considered God’s point of view. So often we can be like little children, unaware of what is coming around the bend or what might be behind us, and God sees the danger! He sees, and wants to protect us from harm. He also sees when opportunities and plans He has set up for us are before us, and He needs us to step a certain direction to enter into this new blessing. All He asks is that we trust and obey.

Recently someone I know was travelling overseas and was heading out of the hotel to visit a nearby tourist attraction. Suddenly they felt the Holy Spirit say, “Stop and have lunch, Now”. “But I was heading out to see something up the street they replied”. “Stop and have lunch here in the hotel”, was the Lord’s reply. Now they had a choice. Did they do their own thing, or did they obey and sit down and have lunch. Fortunately, as they were about to find out, they chose to stop and have some lunch. A few minutes later they heard a loud crash from outside, gunshots, shouting and people rushing into the hotel foyer fearing for their lives. Outside someone had rammed their car into the barricade of the high security building just outside, and now there were armed police swarming up and down the street.

My friend would have been right in the middle of this potentially harmful and frightening situation, had they not obeyed God’s directive to stop and have some lunch. Instead they sat peacefully eating their sandwich, and had the opportunity to encourage a medical Doctor staying in the hotel with the account of their healing from cancer. Why? Simply because they were both willing and obedient.

If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things of the land” (Isaiah 1:19)

As we go about our everyday lives know that a lot of effort and planning by all of heaven goes into play to both keep us safe, and to line up opportunities for us. God has people for us to meet, and blessings for us to walk in; but the important thing for us to learn is  to obey swiftly. It will lead us to life’s greatest blessings, and possibly even save our life one day. 

Prayer: Lord help me remember to be willing and obedient because you are interested and care about every aspect of my life. Help me to love and trust you more. In Jesus Name Amen.

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