Most successful people have certain habits that they attribute to their success. One of those habits is having a “golden hour” of the day. This is time spent preferably first thing in the morning before doing anything else, which sets the tone for the rest of the day.
As individuals we become what we think about most of the time, so it makes sense that the thoughts, and things we fill our hearts and minds with in the first hours of the day strongly influence how we think, feel and act.
Most people believe that they don’t have enough time. They are slaves to their schedules and the busyness of life. However if we designate just one hour of our day, (preferably in the morning) to ourselves, and doing those things, which are important to the plan and blueprint God has for our lives, the accumulative hours we will spend over the period of, for example one month is significant, and one which causes us to ask. “How can I use my time better to live the life God has for me?”
Sadly many people can spent more time looking and observing other people living their dreams, rather than pursuing their own.
But what if we set some habits to change our life for the better and gave ourselves a “golden hour” every day where we spent time doing those things that benefit us, and that many successful people credit to their success and balance in life.
For example:
20 minutes of exercise every day over a month = 10 hours. We may think, “What will 20 minutes do?” But 20 minutes exercise burns a significant amount of calories, boosts our metabolism and benefits our overall health. We live longer, our muscles are stronger and our mood is improved. Being active increases our endorphin levels and helps relieve stress. Plus as our fitness increases and we feel better, we often want to exercise more and for longer. Exercise will change your life, and the benefits are huge.
20 minutes of reading a book a day exposes us to 1.8 million words a year. If we invest 20 minutes a day reading, imagine what we could learn in a few short months. Reading a book can literally take years off our mind; it protects against disease, relieves stress, encourages positive thinking, increases our vocabulary, encourages life goals, strengthens relationships and brightens our day. Plus it can save us money if it becomes one of our forms of entertainment.
20 minutes listening to and reading God’s Word a day over a month = 10 hours a month.
Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. (Romans 10:17) Imagine the beneficial and strengthening effects to our faith if we spent 20 minutes reading God’s Word and listening to faith filled preaching of God’s word every day. Not only will our thinking change, but so also will our hearts and lives. We will be transformed.
“If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” (John 15:7)
The average person will spend nearly two hours (approximately 116 minutes) on social media everyday. Currently time spent on social media exceeds time spent eating, drinking, socialising, and grooming.
Added to time spent on social media is that on average people will spend seven years and 8 months watching TV in a lifetime.
The question is, “Why spend all our time watching other people live their dreams, when we could be concentrating on developing our potential and living the dream God made us for?”
Today think about how you are spending your time, (especially that first “golden hour” of the day), and how could you spend that time more wisely? How could you take an hour of your day to benefit your overall health, fitness, knowledge, skills, and relationships with God and others? Then make a decision to start doing those things that will help you begin to live your dreams and the plan God has for you the moment you wake up every day.
“Don’t copy the behaviour and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. (Romans 12:2 NLT)
Prayer: Lord help me to take advantage of the time I have and to not waste it doing things that really are of no consequence to who you have made me to be. Help me to be wise and to take the steps to live the dream you have placed inside of me, instead of sitting back and watching everyone else live theirs. Please help me to have my own “golden hour”. In Jesus name Amen.