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4 Feb -Catalyst for change

A Scottish Minister, who lived in Edinburgh in the1740’s named John Erskine, published a plea to the people of Scotland asking them to unite in prayer for the revival of faith. He sent a copy of this little book to a man named Jonathan Edwards in New England. He was so moved when he read this plea he wrote a book also calling people to pray for revival.

What happened? Revival broke out in Scotland!

All through history God has consistently moved in great power, changing people’s lives on mass, when people came together in united, sustained prayer.

In the wake of the American Revolution (following 1776-1781) there was a moral slump. Drunkenness became epidemic. Out of a population of five million, 300,000 were confirmed drunkards; they were burying fifteen thousand of them each year. Profanity was of the most shocking kind. For the first time in the history of the American settlement, women were afraid to go out at night for fear of assault. Robberies were a daily occurrence.

The churches were in decline. In a typical church, pastors documented that in sixteen years they had not seen one young person become involved in church. Pastors had quit as no one had come for so long they had decided they were out of work, and took up other employment.

The Chief Justice of the United States, wrote that the Church ‘was too far gone ever to be redeemed.’ People started saying that ‘Christianity will be forgotten in thirty years.

A poll taken at Harvard University discovered there was not one believer in the whole student body. They took a poll at Princeton, where they discovered only two believers in the student body.

Students were rioting. They held a mock communion at Williams College, and they put on anti Christian plays at Dartmouth.

Churches were burnt down. Bibles were burnt on the streets in public bonfires.

Christians were so few on University campuses in the 1790’s that they met in secret, and kept their minutes in code so that no one would know.

How did the situation change? It came through united sustained prayer.

Today we face many of the same issues. Alcohol, drugs, addictions, and violence are taking their toll on families and households across our city and nation.

Women are afraid to go out at night, and violent robberies are a daily occurrence. Many churches are in decline, and those who attend see regular church attendance as once a month.

I have a saying. “God will allow you to get uncomfortable as a catalyst for change!

Are you uncomfortable enough yet?

We all crave comfort and can happily tune out to what is going on around us.

But this is our “watch”. This is our hour and time. If we look to governments and institutions to fix the problems in our society we will be disappointed.

Go to the root of the issue and you will find a moral and spiritual decay and lack.

That’s where those who know Jesus come in.

We have the solution and the weapons to fight. With prayer, and armed with God’s word.

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.” (2 Cor 10:4-5)

Will you pay the price?  Will you pray?

Because somewhere, someone has to step up, stand up and believe for change.

Take out your Bible today. Get God’s Word on the challenges and needs you see around you.

Write what God says down. They are God’s Words, designed for you to speak out in prayer. They hold the solution and the keys to breakthrough for every challenge, need and situation.

Believe God to answer. Yes believe! The more you study God’s word the more you will believe.

“For I am alert and active, watching over My word to perform it”. (Jeremiah 1:12)

“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you”. (John 15:7)

Be persistent. Be consistent.

God is faithful. He is alert and active watching over His word to do it. The angels are on standby waiting for you to step up and speak up. So give the angels something to do! They are waiting for you to Speak God’s words!

Bless the LORD, you His angels, who excel in strength, who do His word.

Heeding the voice of His word. Bless the Lord, all you His hosts, you ministers of His, who do His pleasure.” (Psalm 103:20)

Don’t keep silent. Don’t stay too busy. For no family, no street, no workplace, no university or school, no city, or country is too hard or impossible for God to touch, and transform.

You can do it. Pick up your Bible, Believe and Pray!

“I am the LORD, the God of all humankind. There is, indeed, nothing too difficult for me. (Jeremiah 32:27)

“The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.” (Luke 18:27)

Prayer: Lord I thank you that your word is true. Guide me as I search your word, take hold of it and pray. Thank you that my prayers are powerful and effective. Use me to bring change. In Jesus Name Amen.

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