Making heart to heart connections is important in every season and phase of our lives. Without these connections our relationships remain shallow and devoid of true meaning and love, and we can end up feeling very alone.
To bond on any deep level we all have to make a decision to allow people into our space and world. We essentially have to let people see the real us.
Part of that transparency is sharing and connecting about what we believe; choosing to share our faith and beliefs. Some people may say our faith is a personal thing that isn’t to be shared, but that mindset keeps other people at “arms length”, and it also doesn’t gel with what Jesus said when he stated, “What I tell you now in the darkness, shout abroad when daybreak comes. What I whisper in your ear, shout from the housetops for all to hear!” (Matthew 10:27)
Faith is to be shared, and to have any hope of making heart to heart connections and for people to see the real us, our faith and beliefs have to be both seen and heard.
What do we love? What is valuable to us? What do we spend most of our time thinking and talking about? What or who do we focus on? What do we believe? For that is what we have faith in!
If you’re not sure what or whom you have faith in then examine your heart today and ask yourself what you actually do believe. Is it in yourself, others, fate, karma, a religion, or Jesus? If you have never explored these questions then I encourage you to seek Jesus out. He promises that if you seek Him you will find Him, if you seek Him with your whole heart.” I’ve discovered that if you really want to know Jesus heart to heart you’ll soon discover He has been calling out to you all along.
“Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart. I will be found by you,’ declares the LORD.” (Jeremiah 29:12)
Some people we’re acquainted with may never relate to us on any deep level because we just don’t connect heart to heart. However without exploring our faith and sharing it with others, we will never know which relationships and friendships can be, or are truly meaningful heart to heart connections, or are merely acquaintances.
Share your faith today and see what happens. Your soul mate or new best friend might just be found in your next conversation; being always mindful that the sharing heart to heart of your faith has the potential to make a huge difference in another persons life.
Prayer: Lord help me to share what and in whom I believe today, so that people see and hear the real me. Help me to explore this part of who I am more deeply, so that I might know both myself and you more. In Jesus name Amen.