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5 August - Life's Clock

I was thinking about life's milestones and transitions today and it often feels like there is a social clock for things to happen that we often go by. This clock seems to signify what is typical for our major life events, such as leaving home, marriage/finding a partner or choosing to live alone, parenthood, empty nest, midlife assessment, retirement, etc.

However, we can be on time or off time to what we see as those normal life events and when we feel like things are off time, it's stressful. Primarily because even with our best intentions, things can get out of "whack in our lives.

The good news in all of this is God knows and has planned our life from start to finish and what we can realistically experience and achieve with our time here. He does and can do "time miracles" to give us extra time and opportunity (that's for another blog), but He also gives us the wisdom to live each day with purpose and less regret and frustration.

One of his keys is taking the time to seek heavenly wisdom for our schedule everyday so that we can maintain a good work-life balance and asking God to lead. "Seek His will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take." (Proverbs 3:6)

Here are some other tips to help you live with fewer regrets and with purpose and joy.

1. Set a regular time to plan and reflect on what God is saying and what and who is important.

2. Establish availability for relationships, work, family, study, interests, hobbies and time with Jesus, etc.

3. Ask yourself, "What are the essentials in my day/week?" What and who are your top priorities? Writing these relationships and daily activities down quickly reveals where we are spending our time and whether we are focused or not.

Create consistency in these essentials, as this will create positive habits. What do you do every day/week that you can build more consistency into for the future you want? (e.g., exercise, Jesus time, family night, date night, etc.)

4. Have a contingency plan and only plan 60% of your day – leave room for downtime and for unexpected emergencies or the "I have to deal with this now" moment. The more unpredictable or flexible our life tends or needs to be, the more "contingency time" we need. If we don't schedule and leave space in our planning, we'll end up working late, stressed out, always running behind and at the risk of burnout.

5. Write the vision down and clarify. Following a plan is just as important as creating one. But write in your plan to do something new, explore, get out in the big wide world and take hold of the possibilities and opportunities

God promises that He will direct our steps and give us a heart of wisdom if we seek Him. When we have little children, He also promises He will lead us gently, so if that's you, give yourself a break and don't put too much pressure on yourself…There are seasons for things. (Habakkuk 2:2 NLT)

"He tends His flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to His heart; he gently leads those that have young." ( Isaiah 40:11 NIV)

Your life is a gift from God, so make the most of every day, focus on your priorities and make a plan to win! If you feel like life is off time, ask God to help you appreciate what and where you are at, to accept what you can't change and be thankful so that you have less regrets and more energy ad acceptance to enjoy the life you have to live.

"Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." (Psalm 90:12)

"Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil." (Ephesians 5:15-16)

Prayer: Lord, please help me be wise with the time you have gifted me with and that you will guide my steps in every season, transition and plan you have for me. In Jesus name Amen

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