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8 July – What do you have in your hand?

miracle in your hand

When it comes to receiving from God one of the things I have noticed is that He often asks us to use what we already have in our hands to receive our miracle, or to see our situations transformed. There are many examples of this principal in God’s Word such as when Jesus turned the water into wine at the wedding feast in Cana (John 2:1-11).

Mary notified Jesus of the embarrassing issue that the wedding hosts had ran out of wine in the middle of the party. She instructed the servants to “do whatever he tells you to do”. When you think about who Jesus is, and that He was quite capable of making wine fall out of heaven if He so wished, it’s interesting that He instead asked the servants to use the water vessels that were already available to them and to simply, “fill the vessels with water to the brim.” (John 2:6)

Jesus transformed the ordinary that was “already in their hands”, to create and release a miracle as He turned normal plain old water into the best wine at the feast. More often than not that is how God works. He will tell us to give Him something we already HAVE in order to get something to us we NEED!

The water into wine miracle was not the first time God had transformed situations that required a supernatural turnaround by using the ordinary to do the extraordinary. Look for example at the: Widow of Zarephath’s meal -1 Kings 4:11-16; the widows oil – 2 Kings 4:2-7; feeding the four thousand – Matthew 15:32-39; feeding the five thousand – Matthew 14:15-21;  or the provision of a huge catch of fish – Luke 5:47; John 21:4-6.

Just like the people in the bible we all can face needs of one kind or another, or perhaps we just want God to bring back the joy and hope in our lives.

The good news is that God repeatedly reveals to us that He can deliver anyone who cries out to Him, and who does as Mary, the widow, and the disciples choose to do in listening and doing whatever Jesus told them to do, using what they already had “in their hands”. Each took what they had; a little oil, some flour, water vessels, a few loaves and fish, or a net and trusted that their ordinary in the hands of Jesus would be transformed into the extraordinary.

Today know that every skill, talent, knowledge, support network, time, and learnt experience is something in your hand that God can use to work a miracle and transform your circumstances. Don’t underestimate or think that what you have in your hand already is of no use or simply too ordinary. Instead bring it to Jesus and trust Him to instruct and guide you in what to do, because He is in the business of using our “ordinary” to transform and work a miracle in our lives.

What do you have in your hand today?

Prayer: Lord open my eyes to see what I have already in my hand; any skills, resources, knowledge, talent, time and support, so that I can then bring these things to you, and listen and do what you tell me to do. In Jesus name Amen.

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