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1 Feb – Be Flexible and Do What You Can Now

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I realised today that I have no desk. As in my own desk that I primarily can call my own to work at, leave my stuff on and be able to come back  to find it all in the same place. Instead I travel around from the communal computer desk, the kitchen and coffee tables, out on the patio or on my bed. I take phone calls, use computers, correspond with others and paint wherever I can find a quiet spot in our house or back yard, and I regularly move from one location to the next if some noise or distraction is following me. I’ve learnt that if I want to be able to follow my dreams, use my gifts, help others, do my work and get things done I have to be flexible.

So that’s why I don’t let having a permanent fixed address for my desk, art studio, or office space get me down.

If I want to pursue and fulfill my goals this year, or ever I know that I can’t make excuses or tell myself I’ll write that book, paint that picture, pursue that opportunity or write and make those phone calls and emails when I have adequate time and a set, allocated “me only” space.

Life happens while we are waiting for the perfect scenerio and making excuses as to why we can’t pursue the dream and destiny God has placed in our hearts. So instead I”ve learnt that if I’m flexible and determine to do what I can with the resources, time and energy I have in my hand, God will bless and increase them to help me achieve what I’ve set out to do. He gives me the time and space, (even if it is movable) that I need and blesses the work of my hands. He provides as I trust Him to guide. I often have to be flexible, but being flexible means less breakage… and flexible things also bounce back up far easier.

Today I encourage you to keep running your race. Be flexible when and where you need to be to get the job done and to the live the life you want. If, like me you have a moving desk or workspace, a family and kids that need your love and attention, people that you care for and about that take some of your time, and a whole lot of other things always going on, just do your best, pray and ask God to give you both energy and wisdom to know what is important rather than urgent and keep going.

One day I know I’m going to have a studio, office, permanent desk, much more time and less noise around. And when I do I’ll no doubt look back fondly and remember even longingly of my busy kitchen table, kids everywhere, my room to room phone calls with my pen and notebook, kitchen table painting days and all the people in my world in the middle of it.

My advice – Be flexible and go for it and be thankful for right now, so that later you can look back and smile rather than have regrets.

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” (Jeremiah 17:7-8)

Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.” (Prov 16:3)

Prayer: Lord thank you that you give me wisdom, time and energy to fulfill everything in my heart. Please help me to be flexible when I need to be and to keep running my race well. In Jesus name Amen

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