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11 Aug – How Not To Worry

I woke up this morning and instantly felt God whisper, “Cast all your cares on Me, for I care for you.” It’s a scripture from 1 Peter 5:7 that I know well and one that I have to remind myself of when things get stressful or are out of my control to fix.

Jesus said that His words and promises about our life and future are like seeds He plants in our hearts. When we look after those promises and guard our hearts, those words to us are designed to flourish and bear fruit in our lives.

However, worry and the cares of the world are like a ground where weeds grow. We hear Jesus’ voice and His promises (the seed), but the message is crowded out too quickly by the worries (weeds) of this life and the desire for other things. As a result, the seed of God’s word bears little or no fruit when it was really designed to produce much fruit, reveal we are His disciples and glorify God. (Matthew 13:22; John 15:8)

There are many things in your life that you can’t control, especially if you are in lockdown or have restrictions at the moment telling you what you can and can’t do.

You also can’t control what others do, think or how they may react to who you are.

But, you can manage your responses to circumstances and what you believe, think, and choose to act upon.

It’s why you can choose to cast all your cares upon Jesus because He cares for you rather than allowing yourself to become weighed down by anxiety and the cares of the world.

You can choose to read God’s promises and believe and trust what He says.

You can choose to protect the seed of God’s Word and the promises that He has spoken in and over your life rather than allow the worries, distractions, and weight of your circumstances and the world to crowd them out.

Throughout today I have been purposefully checking in to what I am thinking and feeling and choosing to cast all my cares on Jesus as they surface in my heart and mind.

Jesus said, “Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Your heavenly Father knows all the things you need and says seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself”. (from Matthew 6:25-33)

We may not see how or what Jesus is doing, but His thoughts are vastly beyond our thoughts, and our knowledge or ability does not limit his ways. If He said it, He will do it!  And if he asks you not to worry, He will give you the ability to live free from the burden of worry, concern, and the cares of the world so that your life will produce much fruit.

Choose to give your concerns over to Him. Trust Him with all your heart, and know that He promises He will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6; Isaiah 55:8-9)

Commit your works to the Lord (submit and trust them wholly to Him; He will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to His will), and so shall your plans be established and succeed.” (Proverbs 16:3 AMP)

Prayer: Lord I give you all my cares today and trust you to work in my circumstances. Please help me to trust in your goodness and that your Word will be planted deep in my life so that it can grow unhindered and be fruitful. In Jesus name Amen

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