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13 Oct – Look At The Heart

If you have ever felt forgotten, overlooked, or underestimated by others and the world in general, you will relate to a guy named David. (You’ll find some of his story in 1 Samuel 13 in the bible.)

David was the youngest of seven boys, and from all accounts, his big brothers were a hard act to follow. They were good looking and of notable physic and stature and were known around town. When Samuel, the prophet of God, came to their village, David’s father Jesse and older brothers were all invited to an important ceremony, but David was not. Instead, he was left out in the fields tending his father’s sheep.

God had sent the prophet Samuel to choose a new King, and one of Jesse’s sons was to be the “man of the hour.” But rather than choosing one of David’s more impressive looking brothers to be King, God instructed Samuel to ask for the one everyone else had forgotten and overlooked. For God saw David and estimated him to be worthy of being the King of Israel. “For the Lord does not see as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7)

The point to take from the life of David is that God’s perspective is very different from man’s. People look primarily at the outward appearance; what someone achieves, looks like, talks like, and dresses, but often don’t take the time to find out what a person is like on the inside. What is their heart like; who are they when no one is looking, there’s anyone to impress or when they’re having a bad day. That is what really matters, and that is who we truly are.

God chose David because of these attributes even when no one else “saw him.” He grew to become a mighty man and King before both God and man.

“God raised up for them David as King, to whom also He gave testimony and said, I have found David, the son of Jesse, a man after my own heart, who will do all my will. (Acts 13:22)

The fact is that regardless of what the world and people may say, you get to determine whose opinion matters to you most. People’s or God’s?

Other people can overlook, underestimate, forget about, and speak against us, but God won’t. No matter who you are, He has planned you with a purpose, a place, and significance in His sight. Even when you feel that no one notices you or is on your side, God is. He is for you, and He calls you His masterpiece.

Today, take a fresh look in the mirror and seek to see what God sees. Someone who is loved, accepted, and has a reason and purpose for being alive. That person has the potential to change the world.

Prayer: Lord, please work in my heart and thoughts so that my self-image will be in on what you say about me rather than what the world says or does. Thank you that you have a plan and purpose for my life.  In Jesus name, Amen

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