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14 Oct -Little niggles

If there is one thing I have learnt as a mum of six children it is not to get too fazed by all the “little niggles”. You know those grizzly moments that kids and people everywhere can have. The complaining, grumpy attitudes, and the “I’m not feeling happy today so I’m going to let everyone else know about it” episodes.

I’ve learnt the hard way that it’s not my responsibility to make everyone happy 100% of the time and sometimes the best course of action is to leave people, and whatever is bothering them alone so that they can get over it, or themselves, rather than me trying to fix everything all the time. If I got involved with every little niggly thing my kids and other people in general experienced around me I would be an exhausted mess. I know because in the past, and even now if I’m not careful, I can get drawn into it and run from one person to the next sorting out what is usually just little niggles that are of little consequence in the big scheme of things.

As I started writing this we’d been delayed on route to Florida and were waiting for several hours for our flight. It’s one of those moments with niggly potential and is an opportunity for us to either relax and believe God will work things out for our best or to get impatient and upset. Life can be full of  “little niggly” moments if we let it be, but when we learn to “not sweat the small stuff” so much, and to trust and listen to God’s wisdom and guidance in situations and relationships life becomes so much lighter and brighter.

God wants us to enjoy every day, and even the hard ones He promises He will help and guide us in. He’s always there to give us strength, wisdom and patience and offers to lighten the load for us (1 Peter 5:7). He warns to watch out for the little things that attempt to sneak in and spoil our lives, and to not get into worry or striving and stress. Instead He asks for us to simply trust Him, to seek His way of doing things and to keep everything in perspective, because often those niggles are just a big distraction designed to stop us hearing and being focused on what God has planned for our day.

Today don’t allow those “little niggles” or other peoples issues and attitudes to spoil your day, steal your peace or get you off track. Ask for God’s help and wisdom to know what to do, and how much to be or not to be involved so that you can avoid being over burdened by those “little niggles” and can instead focus on what is really important in your day.

“And we know that all things work together for good for them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose”. (Romans 8 :28)

“But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well”. (Matthew 6:33)

Prayer: Lord thank you for this day. Please help me to not get drawn into problems or dramas that I really don’t need to, and to keep my joy and peace in you today. In Jesus name Amen

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