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16 Feb – “What I’ve always wanted to do and be is….”.

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I would hazard a guess that there are things that all of us have always wanted to do and be. Whether that is writing a novel, travelling to a foreign country, opening a little coffee shop or parachuting out of a aeroplane. We all have things we dream about. But how many of these things do we ever actually see happen?

Fear usually steps in, practicalities, financial considerations or some other limitation clouds our view to see our dreams come to pass and we persuade ourselves that it’s just a dream, that it could never actually happen and it probably wouldn’t work anyway.

The tragedy is that the more we limit our dreams and assign all the things we want to do as pipe dreams, the more we train ourselves to think small. Our confidence in what we can do and whom we could be lessens as we doubt our ability to do anything that really matters to us.

But what if we could see some or all of what we have always wanted to do and become happen?

Here are three thoughts on how to move forward to do what we’ve always wanted to do.

1. Dream – A key is to open up our hearts and minds to dream and imagine and then take the time to investigate what’s involved. Look for resources that can inform and help and talk to other people who might have done something similar. Then take the time to pray and bring those dreams to God.

Dreaming is free and there is no risk as it is simply allowing ourselves to remove the limitations so we can gather ideas and resources we think might help us to get moving. We can write down all the questions we have about what we want to do and then go and find the answers to them.

2. Make a decision Once we have allowed ourselves to dream and started to research all the possibilities we can decide whether this really still matters to us. Does it make our soul sing thinking about it? Will we grow as a person and find enjoyment? Is it what God wants us to do – is His blessing on it?

We also have to consider what’s important to us in the season of life we are in and what are our priorities? Do any of these need to change? What is at the top of our list in life? Are our dreams and priorities right for the stage we are at in life? Can we commit to starting to do some of the things we have always wanted to do?

3. Do one thing everyday When we make the choice to start to pursue our dreams and can answer what is actually important to us, then we can begin to do one thing today towards making it a reality. Then tomorrow do one more thing.

That might mean writing 100 words towards starting that novel we’ve always wanted to write, or choosing to forgo our daily coffee so as to save the money towards an overseas holiday instead. Is it turning off the TV an hour earlier so we get up earlier to exercise to train to run that marathon or simply be fitter, or choosing to take a course of study we’ve always wanted to.

God desires for us to have dreams. He actually says He will do above and beyond what we can dream or wish we had always had a chance to do. He’s actually for us and not against us. He wants us to really live and not just exist. But first we have to make some choices about what is really important and valuable to us and how that fits into the plan God has for our lives.

Now to Him who is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to His power that is at work within us.” (Ephesians 3:20 AMP)

What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31)

Today take some time to dream a little. Think about those things that you’ve always wished you could do and contemplate whether they are actually worth the commitment and cost for you to do them. Pray and ask God for His wisdom and enabling and then if you still want to move ahead begin to do just one thing everyday towards those things you’ve always wanted to do becoming a reality.

Prayer: Lord thank you that you have given me the ability to dream. Please help me to be honest and real about what I really want to do in life and to not keep putting things off because it doesn’t seem practical or I am afraid. Thank you that with you all things become a possibility.  In Jesus Name Amen.

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