God has a strategy and plans to combat the evil you often see when you switch on the news, read a newspaper or scroll through your news feeds. He is raising up people to influence and impact the world for good.
It’s one of the reasons God wants to bless and promote us to be influential in our fields, so we can be on top. Because whoever is on top can effectively shift the climate and culture that defines family, education, music, the arts, politics, cities, streets, and even the Church.
For some, that means being at the forefront of their profession so that they can be a voice for God and His kingdom. For others, it’s standing up and being influential in their homes, family life, schools, universities, workplaces, and communities. It means knowing how to go to the “mountain tops” in the spirit, in the heavenly places, and learning how to govern above situations, cities and nations so that God’s plans are released and fulfilled.
God knows you have the potential to affect millions of lives. Noah did, Abraham did, Moses did, Esther did, Joseph did, and Jesus did it. Now Jesus has shifted the authority into our hands so that we can too.
Consider those who have gone before you:
Florence Nightingale was the founder of modern nursing and a social reformer. She prayed for God to give her a life-defining task and would not rest until she seized hold of her purpose.
Robert Raikes was the founder of the Sunday school movement, which sought to provide education to poor children. He changed thousands of children’s lives and future’s by simply teaching them how to read and write.
George Mueller established orphanages in Bristol, England, after a cholera epidemic. For the next 60 years, he cared for more than 10,000 orphaned and abandoned children.
William Wilberforce was a Christian abolitionist who also served as a member of England’s House of Commons. Wilberforce campaigned tirelessly for the abolition of slavery beginning in 1789. Just before his death, Parliament passed the Abolition Act, by which 700,000 slaves were set free.
Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Baptist Minister who spoke in support of fair and equal treatment of African Americans in the United States during the 1960s. His dream of equality was a catalyst for the beginnings of social and political change.
Not forgetting to mention the scientists, educators, social reformers, missionaries, preachers, musicians, artists, parents, teachers and everyday people who simply said “God use me”, and because they were willing, God used them to impact the world for good.
Jesus set the example for us on how to be a person of influence – choose to follow the Father’s commands. To go where the Father says to go; saying nothing except what the Father speaks. If we say what God says, He has to back it up!
John 14:21 “Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.”
Even if you fall, the Bible promises that “though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again.” (Proverbs 24:16) “If you mess up, you “fess up” and get back up again” (Bill Winston)
But don’t focus on everyone else agreeing, understanding or liking you. You’ve got to keep your eyes on Jesus, feed your spirit’s with His Word, and look up and keep going because He’s got a job that needs doing, and He needs you to do your part.
Just one person who is willing and obedient to God’s call on their life can be an instrument of change. He is raising up those who will influence and impact the world for good. Will you be one of them?
‘Remain in me, as I also remain in you. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. (John 15:5; 7-8)
Prayer: Lord, would you reveal to me what and where you would have me go, to speak and to be. May my words and actions be without compromise. As I learn how to stand on the mountaintops, would you please help me be one of those that changes someone’s life for good today? In Jesus Name Amen.