As I came home today, I was greeted by my smiling husband, a daughter busily working on her computer saying, "hi," and our two sons, surrounded by Christmas presents, chatting to one another watching the Soccer world cup.
It was a nice vibe to come home to and reminded me how important it is to keep what we value most front and centre in our life. Primarily because I could have easily gotten stressed about everything I had to do coming home and ruined the happy vibe by commenting about the clean washing waiting to be folded and overflowing down the hallway, dishes that weren't done or a host of other little things that I could see if I'd chosen not to value and focus on my people and what matters most.
When I was growing up, life wasn't always particularly easy or peaceful in our home, but I am thankful for and treasure the fact that we kids would have a birthday party with all our friends and family every year. Every year without fail, we would celebrate, and as I had my own children, I have become more thankful for what my Mum and Dad did for us because, in many families, that isn't normal. We may not have had the most perfect home, but we did know how to celebrate….
We make a daily choice about what we esteem and value, and I've discovered that life doesn't stop while we take time to figure it out. Kids grow up, people come and go, and the world keeps spinning, which means it is wise to regularly evaluate, clarify and then focus on what holds real worth in our lives rather than allowing ourselves to get caught up in those things and pursuits that we and others won't remember or that will still be making an impact years from now.
Today I encourage you to look around you at the people in your world and enjoy who and what you see. They and your circumstances may not be perfect, but the most beautiful moments and relationships often happen amidst the noise and mess – of what we call life. Enjoy it, for you won't come this way again.
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens." (Ecclesiastes 3:1)
"Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God." (1 John 4:7 ESV)
Prayer; Lord, thank you for today and all you have brought into my life. Please help me to understand and value what has real worth and not take the people in my life for granted. In Jesus name Amen,