“If God is for us, who is against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things?… (Romans 8:31).
This morning I woke up, and my mind clicked into gear onto everything we need to organise for the months ahead, bills to pay and kids to take care of. As a result, my anxiety levels started to rise, and I began to feel discouraged about the day.
Until I heard God’s quiet, still voice whisper, “Don’t worry, I’ve got you”. Now go to the promises in my Word, and renew your thinking with what I say and will do for you.”
The funny thing about life is that no matter how many times you may have learnt a lesson, received revelation and walked something out; you have to keep putting into practice what you have learnt and know to receive the benefit.
Nearly thirty years ago, when my husband Philip and I were beginning our life together, we had to learn the lesson of “where God leads, he will provide the resources for the journey and to accomplish the task– He gives provision for the vision.
We had to believe God to provide for us as Philip was busy at bible college finishing his studies, and we had two young children. I learnt back then how important it was to not look at my circumstances, the uncertainties of our future or what I didn’t think we had. Instead, God taught me step by step to fix my eyes on Him and the promises He had made to me in His Word.
I discovered the importance of going to God’s Word whenever I became afraid or started worrying and then find a promise. I would then write it down on a card and put it in my pocket. It became my weapon against fear, worry, and any lies the devil would try to come against me with. Throughout the day, I would regularly take those promises out to look at and declare over our circumstances.
Today I was reminded of the importance of keeping God’s promise, specifically his promises of provision, before my eyes and when needed to have them in my pocket. (It’s a lot easier now with mobile devices 😊)
His promises don’t mean we sit back and do nothing. Our provision will be found in following his leading and believing God to bless what and where he encourages us to put our hand – God provides the wind, but we have to be prepared to raise the sails. – Saint Augustine.
God is faithful to His Word – it’s part of who He is, and He is alert and active, watching over it to perform it. (John 1:1)
Click the link here for my favourite provision promises to encourage you today.
When we receive and believe what God says to us, our trust and faith are made stronger, and what we once thought was out of our reach or impossible becomes possible and a reality in our lives as we believe and act as he leads. (Romans 10:17)
Today whatever you are facing or believing in God to do, I encourage you to find out what He promises in His Word and then get into an agreement and apply it to your life.
Write His promise to you or put it on your phone or other device, and every time you think about it or get worried or stressed, take that promise out and pray and declare it. He is faithful, and He’s got you.
“Then the Lord said to me, “You have seen well, for I am watching over my word to perform it”. (Jeremiah 1:12)
“For the word of God is alive and active”. (Hebrews 4:12)
“In the beginning, the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God”. (John 1:1)
Prayer: Lord, thank you for the promises in your Word. Please help me to find what you have to say regarding my circumstances and future and to declare them today. I choose to hold onto and believe in the promise I’m putting in my pocket. In Jesus name Amen.