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2 Feb – Dare to dream

God says in the Psalms “He knew you before the foundation of the world”. Before the world was even formed God knew you and had a plan for your life. (Psalm 139)

So why does our plan often seem so far away? Why does it often seem, if God does have a plan and purpose for our lives, that we  seem to be heading in the other direction? Why does it seem that the roadblocks, the mountains are insurmountable and are stopping us from achieving the dream within us.

Many people never become who they were made to be; they let go of their dreams, because it is too hard, and it looks impossible. Many people make their dream smaller and settle for less, and some even eventually stop dreaming at all, and just exist.

But God never made you or I to be like that. He never made any of us to be ordinary, or to just plod through our life.

John 10:10 says that Jesus came to the earth to give us life. What sort of life? Abundant life! We were all created with greatness on the inside of us, and made to achieve the vision and dream placed within each of our hearts by God.

Unfortunately separation from God, and our own poor choices and decision to do things our way, can separate us from the dream we were made to fulfil. There is a dream thief – the devil. His plan is to get us settle, to compromise, and to let go of our dream. His plan is to separate us from a relationship with God, and His supernatural strength and love. The dream thief’s aim is to try and make us believe  that our dream looks like an impossibility.

We may think of our past, or disappointments, and of how things haven’t worked out the way we dreamt of. We think on and consider all these things, and the temptation is to say “it’s just too hard, and too painful to dream.”

But the dream is within us already. Our dreams are still there. They just need to be shaken and stirred up a little. That’s what God does when we draw near to Him. Holy spirit stirs us up. He shakes up and shakes off those unnecessary things in our lives, so that we are left with our dream.

Today, take the time to dream. To allow God to shake off the things that distract, pull down, or cloud the plan and purpose for which you were born. In God, there is always more than you can ask, think, dream or possibly imagine. (Ephesians 3:20). He promises to do His part, the question is will we dare to dream and do ours?

Dream today, write it down and make it clear so that you may run with it. Bring your dream to God and ask for His strategy and direction as to what steps to take. Then go for it, and begin to fulfil that for which you were made.

Prayer: Lord thank you that you have a plan and purpose for my life, and that you are the giver of dreams. Please help me to stir up the dream within me, and then bring it to you so that you can help me begin to take the steps to fulfil it. In Jesus Name. Amen.

For I know the plans I have for you”, says the Lord,“plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future”. (Jeremiah 29:11)

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