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20 August - "Who Told You That?" - Love God

The Bible talks about us all being created in the image of God . It says, So, God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:27)

However, people chose to listen to the lies of the devil and that they were somehow lacking. They became self-conscious more than they were God-conscious and concerned about their self-image rather than understanding that we are all created in God’s image. It's one of the reasons people felt naked when previously they had been unafraid and at peace.

God asked Adam the first man, “Who told you, that you were naked?”. (Gen 3:9-11) "Whose voice are you listening to, because it's not me”.

Who told you that you were naked, vulnerable, insignificant, unlovable, foolish, superior, or inferior because God didn't tell you that? "

What voice are you listening to and if it's negative and fearful how different would you be if that voice wasn't there?'

If you didn’t identify with the negative voice that whispers failure, pain, disappointment, fear, condemnation, guilt, and shame. The voice that tramples on your dreams, reminds you of your past mistakes and whispers doubt.

What would happen if you stopped listening to that voice and tuned instead into Jesus and his truth and words of life? You'd no doubt be transformed.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing , and perfect will.” (Romans 12:2 NIV)

God conscious doesn't focus on self and what others might say or feel about us, or how we look to others. It focuses on the image of God in us.

To help you tune into the voice of hope and peace and to be more God-conscious...

1. Answer God's question, “Who told you that?” Where are the thoughts and the voice you are listening to coming from? If need be, move the dial and switch onto heaven's channel and frequency – it will be one where there is hope instead of hopelessness, peace instead of fear, and love instead of hate.

2. Practice gratitude. Being grateful wakes us up to wonder and beauty and shakes off the heavy veil of self.

I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth Bless the LORD at all times.” (Psalm 34:1)

"You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you.” (Isaiah 26:3)

3. Worship and the Word - Declare truth over your life. Speak God's reality, truth, and promises. Today I encourage you to listen in to the voice you are listening to and believing. Check into the thoughts and the voices you are following. Challenge them and ask yourself ,“Who told you that?

God is faithful to call us back into our identity and to transform our lives as we tune our hearts and mind to His voice and words.

"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me." (John 10:27)

“Demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." (2 Corinthians 10:5)

Prayer: Lord, you are the shepherd and I hear your voice and follow you. Let your voice and word be loudest in my heart and my thoughts will be ones that remind me of who I am and what you have said about me. In Jesus’ name Amen.

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