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21 May – A different rest


There is a rest that I’ve been discovering over the last few years. It’s a different rest from taking a break, holidays or even just chillin. It’s a rest on the inside; deep down in the place where everything else in life flows from. It’s a rest in my spirit, and it’s a realization that I don’t have to do things like; storm the gates of heaven in prayer anymore, because they’re wide open already. Its a rest in praise and worship because there’s no need to push in or up, we are seated in heavenly places already. It’s a rest in knowing that I am a new creation and my past is washed away; that I am actually a citizen of heaven and always and already welcome there. (Matt 11:28; Psalm 95:2; Ephesians 2:6; 2 Corinthians 5:17)

So often even when we decide to invite Jesus to be part of our lives there still remains a striving and struggling in our relationship with God. We wrestle in prayer hoping our requests are being heard. We keep singing from earth when we can step into heaven and sing from a place of absolute joy and rest. We speak and sing songs about ourselves as those who’ve just scraped into God’s good books when He is saying, “Come, come up here. Dine with and ask of me…I want to give you everything, because when I look at you I am delighted”. (Zephaniah 3:17; Heb 12:22)

God and the reality of heavenly places and the unseen realms are closer than the very air we breathe. However if we keep thinking we are not worthy, good enough or see ourselves through the lens of our mistakes, failings and shortcomings we won’t ever fully discover the rest and deep, deep peace and joy that comes with knowing we belong to God. That we no longer need to push and strive, but just receive from him and walk in who He says we are. That all we need do is turn our face and attention throughout the day into His presence; right there next to, within and all around us. He desires for us to know Him more and who we truly are in His sight.

Jesus broke all the barriers when He died and rose again, so the only thing between that rest and encompassing presence of God we can live in, is us.

Today I encourage you to drop any barriers, distance or in-attention you’ve allowed or put up between you and God…He didn’t make them and He is calling, “come with me, come up here and let me bring you true rest. “Ask of me and receive all you need, and then lets just walk together you and I.”

Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll discover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me – watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I wont lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” (Matthew 11:28-30)

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