I recently wrote about goals and moving forward in life but on reading what I'd written noticed I had a typo. I'd spelt goals with the "O" and the "A" around the wrong way, which spelt gaol – an older fashioned word for jail.
This mis-spelling made me think how a little thing like two letters being around the wrong way can significantly change the meaning. One word – gaol means a place of confinement and captivity, whilst the other represents something you work for, your ambition or aim/a point in sports.
Goal and gaol and their polar opposite meanings illustrate how important it is to be in alignment and have everything correctly positioned, or it can change and even hinder your course and Jesus' best for your life.
It's easy to become weary in pursuing your goals, lose momentum, step off the best path, and end up feeling like you are in gaol (jail) through your actions or simply feeling disappointed.
Fortunately, Jesus is the one who breaks every chain, gets us out of captivity (even when it's of our own making) and declares that who He sets free is free indeed. “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” (John 8:36)
If you ask for his help and follow the directives in His word, He will come to your aid. His word will also act as a light to your path and a lamp to your feet.
“Truth's shining light guides me in my choices and decisions; the revelation of your Word makes my pathway clear.” (Psalm 119:105 (TPT)
Meaning if you feel stuck or have lost your way, you have the option of changing things up and making adjustments where needed – much like choosing to change the letters around to get out of gaol and start pursuing your goals.
To ensure you don't miss achieving your goals, take the opportunity to reassess how you are travelling through life today. It's often the little things that we can miss – an attitude, relationships that need attention, a heart issue or needing to refocus and clarify where Jesus is leading. Check that everything is aligned and you aren't missing the obvious – like when two little letters fall out of position and alter both the meaning and destination. Today determine to stay out of gaol and keep running towards your goals.
Prayer; Lord, would you please give me the wisdom to know the difference between when something or someone is helping me run towards my goals or leading me into captivity and gaol. Thank you that you are leading the way and guiding me today. In Jesus name Amen.