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25 Jan -love makes it work

The thing that makes life work is Love. Things work as they should when founded in Love; our faith, our hope, our relationships, even the plans for our lives.

Focusing on Love affects how we think, act, what we plan, everything!

God wants Love to be our focus because love causes compassion to rise up in our hearts, to care about things, about others. Our hearts become engaged!

If we focus on cultivating love it makes our faith work and when our faith is working nothing is impossible!

Love activates our faith to start believing, to start reaching out, to love in action.

I love the account of Jesus Feeding the 5000, in Matthew 14:13-21.

Jesus exhibits a faith that’s motivated by a genuine love for people.

In Jesus feeding the 5000 we see that love was the motivation behind the miracle. He had compassion for them.

Read through the Gospels. (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in the Bible). Jesus was always motivated by Love.

Some people have never experienced real love like Jesus loves.

But He is love. Love compels Him. Love compelled Him to go to the Cross. Love still compels Him to reach out to each one of us.

I was reading about Heidi and Rolland Baker. They are doing some amazing work in Mozambique and have set up Iris Ministries. Heidi’s motto is “Stop for the One”

It’s become a catch phrase seeking to inspire us to simply take a moment and love the one in front of us. The pressures and busyness of daily life too often create a self focus mentality that hinders us from “stopping for the one”.

But God’s love is revealed through simple acts of kindness.  When you love God first and then love the people He puts in front of you each day, the Gospel becomes simple.


“Stop for the One could look like a million different things, simple or extravagant, but God is calling each one of us to love each person we cross paths with because He loves them.

“Stop for the one” and practicing acts of kindness” has to be based in love, and not legalism or good works. For us to think “How can I love someone today?”

Why not encourage someone today. Everyone no matter who they are needs to know that God is real and that He cares. They’ll know through us loving them.

Today look out for and “Stop for the one”, knowing that as you do your faith is being activated, because love makes your faith work.

As Heidi says, “I pray that you would be overcome by His spirit, surrounded by His voice and interrupted by His love!”

Prayer: Thank you Lord for your love for me. I ask for your love to cover me, to flow through me, and to fill my heart with compassion for whomever you lead me to today. In Jesus Name. Amen.

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