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26 Jan – What’s Your Status?

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Because of what Jesus has done for us we are no longer slaves, consigned to a life of being downtrodden, stolen from or unworthy. Jesus when he died and rose again restored our inheritance, our identity and our rights. He says we are a “royal priesthood, a chosen people, belonging to God and made to reign. Now we are called to display the goodness of God by how we walk in this new identity.

Unfortunately many of us don’t fully comprehend what that means and too often believe the lie that we are not anyone special. We habitually get stuck in negative mindsets, beliefs and behaviours which lessen our light and the display of God’s glory in us. We sadly don’t reign like we should or could.

But what if we started to change our thinking and understanding about who and what we are? What if you starting thinking of yourself how God does…as Royalty! That’s as a King or Queen; as chosen by and belonging to God; as highly gifted, respected and favoured; as someone who’s life is made to display and point others to God’s goodness?

How differently would you behave? How would you conduct yourself in public and when you walk into a room? Or in private when no-one is looking? In your speech, or where you choose to live, in your  educational pursuits, dreams and goals?

If you recognized you are royalty and walked that out everyday what would you expect in life and how differently from how you’re living, thinking and behaving right now would you be?

Because if God says we are a King (or Queen), and chosen to display His splendour, He means it! It doesn’t change the facts of who we truly are in God simply because we might not understand or even believe that about ourselves.

You are who and what God says you are. The choice however is whether we are content to live below our royal status or we choose to get rid of our slave mentality and make a demand on our royal lineage. That we start to really live expecting favour, blessing, honour and respect and that everything we do, say and believe points to us knowing who we are and to whom we belong. 

Today I encourage you to drop off any of your old slave clothes which are not befitting of you anymore. Instead, determine to fully take hold of and find out all about your new life, status and the privileges that come with being a son or daughter of the King of Kings.

Now you are no longer a slave but God’s own child. And since you are his child, God has made you his heir”. (Galatians 4:7)

All who sees them will acknowledge that they are the people the Lord has blessed.” (Isaiah 61:9)

You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.” (1Peter 2:9)

Prayer. Lord I’m dropping off the slave clothes and choosing to receive everything you say I am and have bestowed upon me. Thank you for your favour, blessing and inheritance as a member of your royal household. In Jesus name Amen

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