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27 Jan – Rising to your potential

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If we want to reach our potential and be all that God created us to be, then we undlubtedly at some point have to “lift lids” in our lives. A lid being a growth point where we have to push through and past anything that is limiting or “bumping” up against our potential and the destiny God has for us.

Is your lid that you don’t stick to things or you are impatient, fearful, proud or judgmental. Do you always take the easy road and never attempt anything new? Are you short-tempered or don’t listen to wise advice?

Life really is too precious and those around us too important to not make the effort to lift the lid on our potential and ability to influence for good.

Everyone wants an opportunity. But many people want an opportunity to come to them before they start improving themselves. “When I get this happening in my life, when I have that position I’ll start growing.”

That’s doing things backwards. While others wait to see what will happen those who lift lids step forward and start taking steps NOW to grow and develop. They make choices everyday how they will act, what they will say and not say, who they will  listen to. It’s in the DAILY choices we make that bring change.

Plus when we choose to  “lift our lids” it also encourages and enables those around us to step up and to be better too.

You want the world to be a better place, your home to be full of peace and harmony, your relationships to be healthy then take a look in the mirror, seek God for his guidance and wisdom about who He says you are and are becoming and start to “Lift your Lids”

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. “(Galatians 6:9)

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might”. (Ecclesiastes 9:10)

Prayer: Lord thankyou for all that you have blessed me with. Please help me to make the most of potential and to not settle for a life that is less than what you have planned for me. In Jesus name Amen.

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