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27 July – How To Get Rid Of Fear

Fear is one of those things that will seize any opportunity to attack and try to sap your confidence and strength.

I’ve leant that fear has a distinct voice; it’s the, “you can’t do that, what if this happens, you’re so unattractive, you’re going to fail, get hurt, sick, die, lose, or look like an idiot”. The more you listen to fear’s voice, the more you will begin to doubt God’s goodness, protection, abilities, intellect, attractiveness, and overall worth.

Whereas when I hone in on what God says about my life and circumstances by spending time in his presence and reading His words in the bible, I receive the needed confidence and empowerment to do whatever He has asked, tackle the tasks in front of me and keep pursuing my goals and dreams.

The best way I know to overcome fear is to choose to refuse to allow your heart to fear what Jesus has defeated for you.

Preach to yourself if you need to, and throughout the day, speak out what is true regarding your situation, rather than believing and being dictated to by fear and lies.

As the words of Phil Wickham’s song “God of Revival” says,

“You (Jesus) rose in victory, and now you’re seated Forever on the throne So why should my heart fear what you defeated? I will trust in you alone”.

Today determine to give fear a swift kick out the door so that you can get on with your day free from fears, negative voice and lies. For with God, all things are possible, and why should your heart fear what he has defeated. In Him, we have all the wisdom, strength and confidence we need.

“So do not fear for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10)

“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.” (Psalm 56:3)

Prayer: Today, fear I am kicking you out the door. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I believe Gods promises are true and that God has me and every situation I face today in His hands. Thank you, Lord, that you love and care about me. In Jesus name Amen

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