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27 May - God Doesn't Forget

God doesn't forget; even if we forget after praying and hoping for something, He does not. He does want to grant us the desires of our hearts (Ps 37:4), and even though He is the creator of the universe, he still sees and hears us and our whispered and not so whispered prayers.

It's just that He often also sees things quite differently from us. We want the answers immediately when He says, "Hold on a sec. I know you asked for this, but I'm working on something even better, and if you are patient, you'll see". (Ephesians 3:20)

Joseph is a good example of this in the Bible. He was asking to get out of jail after being falsely accused. He thought he was going to be set free and go back to a normal "day job," but God was cooking up something amazing, and when he did get released, it wasn't a regular run-of-the-mill day job that Joseph went back to, but rather the second most powerful position in all the land. Joseph may have thought everyone, including God had forgotten about him, but God doesn't forget. (Genesis 41:37-44NLT)

God's thoughts aren't our thoughts, nor are his ways our ways, so he will often do things differently from what we expect. He'll do things far bigger and better than we could have planned and delivered if we made things happen ourselves.

It may take a little longer, but God works in the background, often allowing things to "marinade", so to speak," so that when we receive them, we can truly say we've tasted and seen that the Lord is good."

Today, for me, is one of those days when God has been working in the background for a long time. He heard a prayer of mine when I was in High School and studying the Australian Impressionists. I was living in Perth, where the Art Gallery didn't have many of these particular artists' works, so I only had the opportunity to see their paintings in books. I remember thinking and whispering a prayer that I'd love to see these paintings in person. However, then time passed, and life moved on.

I forgot that is until today. Because today, as a music tour manager (another cool story), I am visiting a town in country NSW Australia where there is an art gallery which has one of the biggest permanent exhibitions of the very artists I studied in High School all those years ago.

We may forget our whispered prayers or give up on our bigger requests, but God does not forget. He remembers and has these little surprises positioned for us along the journey.

Today I encourage you to ask, to dream, to pray. Because God hears and is always on setup to deliver the answer to your prayers and won't give up seeking to answer them until they are released in your life.

"Delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart." (Psalm 37:4)

"If you remain in Me and My Words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you." (John 15:7)

Prayer: Lord, thank you that you hear and answer us. Please help me to remember not to give up on my dreams or to think that you aren't interested in my life and the things that matter to me. Because if it matters to me, you say it matters to you. Thank you for your blessings and answers to my prayer today. In Jesus' name Amen

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