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29 April - Conserving Energy

It’s moving day in our house today and I am pretty exhausted as I type this. It’s amazing how much stuff a family can have and the time it takes to move everything and then put kitchens, beds and every other piece of furniture back together. Plus all the cleaning that has to be done along the way or awaits you to go back and complete once you’ve finally moved out.

It takes a lot of energy and there is a need to pace yourself and conserve resources because you know you are in for the long haul to get everyone organised and everything done.

Understanding how to conserve our energy and resources is something we benefit from in every area of our lives from moving house, pursuing our dreams or in how we relate to other people and our relationships.

It’s about knowing when to give and take and how to refuel healthily. It’s also recognising that some people sap our energy whilst others energise us and the need to have boundaries to protect ourselves from becoming overwhelmed or getting to the point where we want to withdraw or repel people..

Jesus is a great example of someone who was able to keep on giving an giving to others even when he was often misunderstood, undervalued and not ever left alone. However he always had great compassion on all who came to him. Primarily because he knew what he was called to do and his purpose and where to draw his strength from. He also took time daily early in the morning to seek His heavenly Father’s presence and guidance and sought to do his will in all He did. He advised his friends to also draw aside and take some time to rest and encouraged them to have times of refreshing and connection with one another so that they could be revitalised before they continued on in their journey.

“Jesus said to them. “Come away with me. Let us go alone to a quiet place and rest for a while.” Many people were coming and going. They could not even eat. So they went away in a boat to a lonely place by themselves. The people saw them going. Many people knew them. The people ran from all the towns and got there ahead of them.” (Mark 6:31-33)

Today I encourage you not to attempt to try and do everything in your own strength.

Instead, seek Jesus for what plan he has for your day and determine to conserve your energy and resources. As you do you will understand better what is important and where you are being called to make a difference, so that you too can fulfill your purpose and pursue your dreams. Jesus promises us that in Him we can do all things and that whenever we grow weary we come away with Him to renew our strength.

But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint.” (Isaiah 40:31)

“I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13 NLT)

Prayer: Lord thank you that you give me the strength and energy to give where I am needed and as you direct as well as being able to pursue my dreams. Please help me today to remember to come away with you to renew my strength so I can keep running my race well. In Jesus name Amen.

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