Fire purifies – take silver or gold for example. When it is heated to extreme temperatures it becomes liquid and all its impurities rise to the surface. If the metal is to be the best quality those impurities and dross must be skimmed off the visible surface and removed. Otherwise as the silver or gold cools the impurities will become invisible again and merge into the cooling metal.
The intensity or pressure of the furnace brings out the best in precious metal and makes obvious what is a distraction or mere rubbish to be discarded. Without the pressure of intense heat the silver appears fine, but once heated it’s revealed what needs to be removed.
Our lives also resemble the process of purifying and the molding of precious metals. When we come under fire, feel the heat of difficulty, transition, uncertainty or experiencing any sort of pressure (both productive in the form of a new opportunity or negative in the pressure of difficult circumstances), who we are is revealed and the hidden issues of our lives are revealed.
Essentially “we are who we are in the fire”. It’s actually not when everything is cruisey that its revealed what we are made of, but when it’s hard that’s our real story is told. When “the heat is on,” how and what do we talk, act and think like? How do we treat others, what do we actually believe and will we remain standing or stumble under the pressure when the “fire” feels and is most intense?
None of us usually looks to be uncomfortable, we have to condition and push ourselves to be like that. But what if we changed our perspective and understood that if and when God allows the pressure and intensity of life to surround us it can and sometimes is even assigned by Him to bring the best out in us. To cause us to both grow in our capacity and to also have revealed the hidden things in our lives so we have the opportunity to face, deal with and let go of the unhelpful and unnecessary, so He can then freely shape us to be truly who we were made to be.
It’s when metal is heated in the furnace that the craftsmen is able to do his greatest work; removing impurities, and expertly shaping and designing it into something amazing and beautiful.
God wants is to realise that no matter what our circumstances, He has our life in His hands. When we’re under pressure or being stretched in some way if we are willing and obedient to His voice, God the master craftsmen will be at work seeking to bring out the best in us every time. Nothing need ever be wasted that we journey through, “For He causes everything to work together for good for those who love Him..” (Romans 8:28)
Today whatever or wherever you are at, Don’t run from Him, but allow God to work. Determine to deal with the impurities – its rubbish anyway. Any past or present issues, unforgiveness, disappointment and regret. “Skim that stuff off the top” and lay it at the foot of the Cross. Jesus already paid the price to set you free and to heal you from those things. (John 8:36) Then invite Jesus to work in and through you – I guarantee you will be amazed at what He will do if you allow Him to consistently work in your life and start to see and believe in what He sees in you. A person of worth, beauty, purpose and value to both Him and the world.
“I will bring that group through the fire and make them pure. I will refine them like gold. They will call on my name, and I will answer them. I will say, “These are my people,” and they will say, “The Lord is our God.” (Zechariah 13:9 NLT)
“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed“. ( John 8:36 NIV)
Prayer: Lord help me to not be afraid of the heat of the fire and when the pressures of life surround me. Please give me wisdom to know what and where you are at work so that I am willing and obedient to your voice and can cooperate with and what you are doing in my life. I trust you to bring the best out in me and that there is always purpose in the process. In Jesus name Amen.