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30 Dec - Know What You Want And Why

Right now is a great time to stop and take an inventory of how we've been living.

Our lives follow the direction of our focus! So what do you want more of and what do you want less of in your life going forward? How do you want your future to look and

what dreams do you want to pursue right now?

"Seek to know what you want, why you want it, and what you will do about it – That sort of clarity is rare and unstoppable – Aim for this clarity, and you'll have joy." (Bob Goff)

God wants more than for us to be just breathing. Jesus came to give us full and abundant life "(John 10:10)

The Greek word translated as "life" is ZOE. It's a small word with a significant meaning.

Zoe is not just about being alive but experiencing a life that's overflowing, superabundant and worthy of shouting about. To be blessed in this world, with confidence and an expectation of eternity spent with Jesus.

God desires for us to experience life as He intended it to be. However, it's our choice. If you have asked Jesus into your life, then LIFE (ZOE) has been deposited in your spirit.

One way to release this Zoe life is by letting go of our old habits, thoughts, and actions contrary to God's Word. You let go of disappointments, un-forgiveness, bitterness, hurts and lack and immerse yourself in what God says in His word. It becomes easier to do this as you spend time in His presence, be with others who want God’s sort of life too, and act upon what He says every day.

Take some time today to assess where you are and choose to let go of any baggage you've been carrying. Then settle into who God has made you be, where He's called you to make an impact and who you are to travel through life with so you can keep moving forward.

Aim to "leave all the planning behind and figure out your lasting ambitions and get back to building the rocket ship that is your life. Trade what is easily available for that which is worthwhile! Because being able to recognise that distinction has the power to change everything in your life!" (Bob Goff)

Hebrews 12:1 in the Bible says," Let us strip off and throw aside every encumbrance (unnecessary weight) and that sin which so readily (deftly and cleverly) clings and entangles us, and let us run….

"Looking away from all that will distract us to Jesus, Who is the Leader and the Source of our faith".

"But one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus". (Philippians 3:12-14)

"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you." (Psalm 32:8)

Prayer: Lord, thank you for all that you have done in my life over the past year. Would you please help me assess my life, know what I want and why and see where I need to offload baggage. Please show me what to focus on as I look forward to the future. In Jesus name Amen.

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