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30 Dec – Travelling light


Today our second eldest daughter has been busy packing to leave home to live in Sydney, which is on the other side of Australia and some 3,933.7 km away.

The process of packing up your life is both exciting and daunting. Decisions have to be made as to what to keep, what to throw away, what to give to others, what to leave behind and what you really want and will need. Many items hold a memory, signify an event or remind you of a significant moment. It’s a process and fortunately our daughter listened to the Lords promptings and began sorting and packing several months ago so that today was more excitement than stressful.

Today was space saver bag day which is when we filled these nifty space saving bags with as much clothing as possible and then vacuumed all the air out of them to diminish their size and subsequent packing room.  Clothes suddenly resemble a giant wrinkly mass, but much needed space is saved as the air between clothing is sucked out.

As I helped her space save I thought perhaps it would be helpful if we all regularly imagined we were packing to move interstate or overseas just as our daughter is. Unnecessary weights, baggage and our past could be examined and a decision made as to whether it’s worthy of taking with us as we move forward into our future or should simply be off-loaded and left behind.

We can very easily gather alot of clutter and things which take up far too much space in our hearts and minds let alone our actual homes, and a regular clean and vacum out works wonders to remove the unnecessary and negative distractions from our lives.

Today I encourage you to examine your heart, your thought life, your relationships and your home and think and pray about what you want to move forward with and what is taking up space.

Do you need to off-load some things that are dragging you down? Is what you are carrying within you beneficial and helpful to running your race well or are you getting tangled up and held back from God’s purpose and destiny for your life?

Life is precious and God has a big dream for our lives and wants us to be able to run into our destiny not struggling as we try to carry a whole lot of unnecessary “stuff”. Primarily because that “stuff” often costs us important time, energy, head and heart space and even money (because we’ll often need therapy if we don’t deal with it sometime).

God’s way is far better. He says to off-load all our disappointed, hurt, sin and brokeness upon Him, trust that He’s got our life in His capable hands, look up and ahead and then run the race that He has set before us.

Today is no time to be stumbling about with unnecessary baggage. Choose instead to examine your life, sort through it, keep what’s precious, beneficial and godly and leave the rest behind, because just as I tell our beautiful Sydney bound daughter, “It’s time to fly”.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up, and let us run with endurance the race that God has set before us,” ( Hebrews 12:1)

Prayer: Lord I give you all the things that so easily hinder and weigh me down and ask that you would carry or remove them from my life. Help me to know what to hold and what to leave behind. In Jesus name amen.

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