The universe is quite an incredible place, especially when we stop to contemplate the immensity of the creation that surrounds us. For example take the fact that if every person were to count the stars we’d have to count over 300 billion stars in our galaxy alone. That’s 50 stars for every person alive on the earth. Or that a snowflake is created from a water droplet formed around a tiny dust particle which then freezes. Amazingly each snowflake is unique from the other, with incredible beauty and detail in every individual snowflake.
God says that He knows the number of stars and calls them each by name, and yet He also knows every hair upon our heads. He know when we sit and when we rise, our thoughts before we speak them, as well as the the hidden things in our hearts. He sees everything, and in the midst of all of this greatness He cares about and loves us personally. (Psalm 147:4; Matthew 10:30)
“You know when I sit down and when I rise up; You understand my thoughts from afar. You scrutinize my path and my lying down, And are intimately acquainted with all my ways.…” (Psalm 139:2)
If He knows us and loves us that much, I wonder if that shouldn’t cause us to trust Him? To trust in His strength, goodness and plan for our lives. To trust that He has it all covered, so we don’t need to worry or be concerned about our life.
When we meditate on the greatness of God we soon realise that He is more than capable of handling and answering our every need, dream and prayer.
Today take some time to think about how powerful, creative and unlimited God is. There are no boundaries He cannot cross or override and there are no limits to His love. It is unfailing, all powerful and faultless.
There are some things that may cause you to go wow in life, but perhaps the greatest is the reality that you are loved and seen by the one who created it all.
Prayer: Lord I’m going to take some time to think about all you have done and to acknowledge your greatness. To say thank you and to trust that you have everything in your hands, including me. In Jesus name Amen.