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31 December - How To Be The Best You

One of the things I regularly pray and ask God for is that he would enlighten the eyes of my understanding so that I would know the hope of my calling and be empowered to walk in it. It’s also a prayer from Ephesians 1:18 in the Bible.

Enlightened means basing our beliefs and values on an understanding founded on light and knowledge of God’s best for our lives. It's in preference to following darkness, negative thinking or false beliefs. Being enlightened is how we discover how to be the person we always wanted to be and live our best lives.

Being enlightened is mentioned several times in the Bible. The original Greek word is (photizo from phos = light), meaning to cause light to shine upon some object and to illuminate it. The idea is to cause something to be fully known by revealing it clearly and in detail.

God wants us to illuminate our hearts and minds so that we will fully know and understand who He is, and as a result, we will know who we are. Then we can grasp the depths of our inheritance and authority in Him.

The deeper we know Jesus and the stronger our union and connection are with Him, the more we will get to know ourselves and the amazing plan He has for our lives that is greater than anything we could ever imagine. (Ephesians 3:20)

We are his masterpiece, his poetry, and when we connect with Jesus, a superabundant grace begins to work powerfully in us to transform and bring out the best of who we are created to become. His power and the fullness of who He is fills us, and we are changed from glory to glory as we allow His power to work in us.

The moment one turns to the Lord with an open heart, the veil is lifted, and they see. We can all draw close to him with the veil removed from our faces. And with no veil, we all become like mirrors who brightly reflect the glory of Jesus. We are being transfigured into his very image as we move from one brighter level of glory to another.” (2 Corinthians 3:16-18 TPT)

Today as you consider the New year, make some plans and think about the future, I encourage you to have an open heart towards Jesus and to make it a goal to know Him more. Spend some extra time seeking Him everyday, reading His words in the Bible and being around others who know Him too.

Ask for a spirit of wisdom, revelation and understanding from heaven so you can fulfil your destiny and the good works God had planned for you before you were even born. He promises that as you do, he will enlighten the eyes of your heart and shine a light on who you are, reveal His best for your life and empower you to fulfil your destiny. (Ephesians 2:10 TPT).

“I pray that the light of God will illuminate the eyes of your imagination, flooding you with light, until you experience the full revelation of the hope of his calling – the wealth of God’s glorious inheritances that he finds in us, his holy ones.” (Ephesians 1:18 TPT)

“I pray that you will continually experience the immeasurable greatness of God’s power made available to you through faith. Then your lives will be an advertisement of this immense power as it works through you. This is the mighty power that was released when God raised Christ from the dead and exalted him to the place of highest honour and supreme authority in the heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 1:19-20 TPT)

Prayer: Lord, would you please enlighten the eyes of my heart so that I can understand and know you more and, in doing so, know myself more too. Thank you for your plan for my life, and that you will lead me to walk in it today. In Jesus name Amen.

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