Have faith in God. It sounds simple enough and means entrusting our lives, hopes and dreams to a loving God. It’s an inwardly comforting thing to say, but there is another side of having faith in God, which describes an outward-focused, active, and deliberate action that usually involves RISK and large amounts of it.
Risky faith in God requires absolute dependence on Him. It’s the type of faith that steps out and is a purposeful action we take despite our discomfort and fear. It’s bridging the gap between what we can accomplish on our own and what God wants to do.
Peter having the faith to get out of the boat in the middle of the storm was not a comfortable type of faith in God. It was risky, scary and confronting. Peter said to Jesus, “Lord if it is you, command me to come to You on the water.” And Jesus said, “Come“, and Peter got out of the boat and walked out on water to reach Jesus. (Matthew 14:22-33)
Peter the “water walker” was doing fine until he noticed the storm raging around him and then promptly started to sink. “Lord save me”, he cried, and Jesus stretched out his hand and caught him and said, O you of little faith, why did you doubt.”
He didn’t say “O you fearful one” because fear wasn’t the root of the issue. He said, “You of little faith”.
When faced with risk and trusting God we often think we are afraid when the root of the problem isn’t fear; it’s unbelief.
“All of us feel fear when we’re about to do something that involves considerable risk. Risk, after all, means there’s no guarantee of success. And usually, when we feel fear, we don’t proceed. But fear is a fruit, not a root. The root is unbelief in our hearts.” – Bruce Wilkinson
The biggest obstacle to a life marked by miracles, to living our best life in Jesus is not fear, but unbelief.” It’s why God said it’s faith that pleases Him. We can miss being in the centre of all that God wants for us by failing to believe. Jesus could do no miracles in his hometown because they were full of unbelief. They missed out! (Matthew 13:58)
“And without faith, it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.” (Hebrews 11:6)
Unbelief is refusing to believe that God will do exactly as he has said he will do. In our unbelief, we are saying to Him, “You are not trustworthy, you are not reliable, I can’t depend on you, and I don’t think you will come through for me, especially if I mess up, aren’t strong enough or step out here.”
“Therefore, I won’t take a step of faith; I won’t risk; I would rather stay comfortable within the confines of what I can see, understand and control on my own.”
Whereas a faith in God that pleases Him creates an atmosphere for miracles, and chooses to risk, believe and step out, acknowledging his hand upon our lives. It sees and remembers all the times that God has come through for us in the past in our own lives and the lives of many others throughout history.
Today I encourage you to challenge the root of unbelief and its fruit of fear in your life. Reject the lies and apply the truth and act on it.
Move from unbelief to faith by:
Researching the promises of God in His word. Who is He, and what does He say about what He has and will do.
Apologise to God for failing to trust in Him.
Recall all the times that God has come through for you in the past. Look at the lives of others and those in the bible and recount his faithfulness. “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10:17)
Keep your eyes firmly focused upon Jesus. Don’t look at the storm but at Jesus and His promises.
Step out in faith – start small and choose to partner with God and see the miracles that He will do in and through you.
Faith in God positions you in the path of miracles, amazing relationships, experiencing the supernatural, receiving provision, healing and deliverance, knowing God in a new and deeper way and gaining the confidence you only gain from believing.
Choose to step into a life of faith today and see what God will do.
“Have faith in God Jesus said to them. Truly I tell you that if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and has no doubt in his heart but believes that it will happen, it will be done for him.” (Mark 11:22)
“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1)
Prayer: Lord please forgive me where I have failed to belief you and have allowed fear and doubts to crowd my heart and thoughts. Thankyou that you are faithful and watching over your word to perform it. I choose to belief in your promises and love me today and position myself for miracles today. In Jesus name Amen.