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6 November - How To Change Your Life

Everything we experience in life goes into creating and shaping our inner paradigm.

The life we have right now is primarily the result of the thoughts we have believed about ourselves. They have become our inner GPS as to what we will do or not do, who we will connect with, how we speak and what we believe and feel.

These beliefs and concepts are known as a paradigm, which contributes to our worldview, creating the framework from which we operate every day.

But the exciting thing about paradigms is that they can be changed.


You change your inner paradigm by connecting to truth and life. "Change your connection, and you will change your results".

Examining who and what you are connected to is key to change. What is strengthening your beliefs about yourself and the world around you? Who are you listening to?

If the answer is based primarily on negative experiences and what others say, then your inner paradigm will likely be full of limiting beliefs and even lies.

You are what you believe, think and have reinforced over time, but the good news is that you can change!

If you have a belief or mindset that isn't based on truth or is a result of trauma, lies or unbelief, you can change these by replacing your thoughts and beliefs with the truth of God's word and hope for the future.

Over time this creates a new internal paradigm within our hearts and minds, and if our connection is to God, then the secrets and keys of the Kingdom are ours, and we start to have his ways and expectation for good at the centre of who we are.

Three keys to assist in changing internal paradigms are:

1. Recognise and challenge contrary thoughts and beliefs that disagree with God's words and amazing plan for your life. Recognise and, with Jesus’ help, break off any lies, negative thinking and unhealthy connections. (Jeremiah 29:11; Ephesians 3:20)

2. Replace what does not align with the truth of who God says you are and what He says about your life and future. (John 8:32)

3. Reinforce what God says about you whenever thoughts and beliefs arise. Examine them and their source and determine to reinforce the truth. (2 Cor 10:15; Romans 12:2)

Where you connect is where you will receive life, so I encourage you to build authentic, life-giving connections. The best place I know to start is to build your relationship with Jesus. As you do, his words, strength, wisdom, peace, and love will flow in and through you, transforming the way you see yourself, the world and how you relate to those around you, leading to a life full of God’s goodness and hope for the future. (John 15; Romans 12:2)

Recognise, replace and reinforce with the truth of who God says you are, and you’ll change your world.

"I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing." (John 15:5)"He is before all things, and in Him, all things hold together." (Colossians 1:17)

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12:2 NIV)

Prayer: Lord, please help me recognise and replace any limiting beliefs and mindsets I may have. I want my inner paradigm to be filled with what you say about my life and the world around me. Please help me connect more deeply with you and those who will strengthen my world and life today. In Jesus name Amen.

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